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1983-11-02 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1983-11-02 PC Minutes
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Mounde View ~lanning Comminaion Novamber 2, 1983 <br />.Reqular t4eoting Page Two <br />. _-^-°"----------'--_-^-_-.....-.._-------'-°°--'-~-------'-^-°----------° <br />~ Cheirman Mnuntin reminded the Commiesionera the main <br />coneideraClon ia whethar there is a taking, and ehe <br />~`~eaked 9Ceff to cleer tha questiors with ACEorney Meyere. <br />Cheizman Mouniin noinCed out the Comp Plan wae adopted, <br />an4 ahe recommended zoninge have not deviated much from <br />thet, and there will be sufficient public hearinqe for <br />the Council to receive input from the publtc. 9he <br />stated the Planninq Commisaion should recommend the <br />roxenin~a EolloN tho Comp Plan end ecknowledge that <br />there are some diecrepencies, <br />Technician Kampel reporr,ed he has broken the areae down <br />to controvereial and non-aontrovereial, and r.hat the <br />nan-controvorslals will most likely be held az+ a group <br />put~lie heaefng by the Council, at one time, and the <br />controversibl ones will be held separately. Ho edded <br />the planning Cnmmiaei~n will make a recommendation ~n <br />ttte whole Zoning Code and map to the Council, and Staf~ <br />will then bz~eak it down for handling. <br />The Planning Commiasion asked that proposed Resolutfon <br />No. 96-83 be changed to Snclude a statemant that the <br />Planning Commiesion cecommends the zunings be handled <br />~nder two separaha adminiatrative actions, with thoae <br />being rezoned to the existing use, and tt~e others follow <br />the regu~ar procesa n£ notice and public hearing, <br />~ <br />There wae a discua&ion among the rnmmiss<_.oners as to <br />~height limitations for tt5, w3th the der.Ssi~n ta be that <br />iC ahuuld ba lncluded in the Codn. <br />Thare caas also d3scueaion iegarding curb cuts and it <br />wae do~idsd Lhay ahoutd be apecified for R1 through R5. <br />Motl.on/geaond: Andersor./9uick to adopt ResoluCion No. <br />96-63, recon+monding the adoy~l•iun of Chapt~r $0 <br />reviaiona to the Councll. <br />6 ayes 0 naye <br />Commissioner Poralund sLated sPie had voted .in favox of <br />the motion becauae it cloes include the zoning map, but <br />she la concecned abc:ut th~ High~ay 10 properCy, from <br />8ilver Lake Road to Groveland, specitleally the 2940 <br />through 2800 block from Groveland to S!]ver Lake Rosd <br />wriich is present2y zoned 92, 83, R3, B3 and B3, and <br />would likm to see it rezoned to B2 rather than B3 to be <br />conaiatont wir.h the bank propexty tnd the property eASt <br />o£ Silvar Lake Road. <br />MoCiort Carried <br />The Commisaia~ora thanked Techniciar :;ampel Eor tho <br />work ha p~~t into developing the recommendations for the <br />l~'^~hangea to tbe Code, and tho amounk of time apent nn ik. <br />,"~Chairman Mountin reparted the attendees at the 6. Chatrmen's <br />Ockaber 17 wark aeaeion were Commisnioners Quiak, Report <br />
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