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MOUNUS VIh~W PLANNING COMMIBSION <br />Rt:SOLU'CION NO, 100-07 <br />CiTY OE' MOUND5 VIE:V <br />~. 1~ COUNTY OF RAMSP:Y <br />STATF. UF MINN~SUTA <br />RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING <br />PLANNING CASF. 1A5-83, ~3URGER KING <br />WHERF.AS, Burger King Corporatlon ha!~ rr,yuosL•ed approval to <br />conestruct. a r.eataurant/concenience fnod establiahment ac the <br />cornar of Highway 10 and County Road It and <br />Y7NEREAS, approval to construct thi, convenlc~~ca Eood <br />establishment requiros the City tu aE~prove a rezoning, minor <br />subdivislon, condittonal use permit, code apeals and devel~pment. <br />agreementj and <br />WHEREAS, the Mounds View Planning Commission has reviewed <br />the r.equask by tho euryer King C~>c~~~ralion and proviatons of thc~ <br />Mounds Vtew Muntcipal Cod~~ portaining to r.r.~oninys, minnr oubdlvi- <br />sions, conditional use permlts, code appeals and development <br />agroenents= ancl <br />~ WHF.REAS, the Planning Commission has also recoived and <br />~ reviewed reporCS from both Cil•y yEaEE and a tr.aEEic consultanl <br />regakding the r~Gue9t and iCs epplication to the Moands View <br />Municipal Code~ and , <br />WHEREAS, the City has a letteY Erom M& E Re~lty <br />Company reyuesting an~amendment to the~oriyinal Plannod Unit <br />Development which was approvod by the City ag ~ par.t oE tho S11vor. <br />i.ake Woods developmont, and , <br />WHERBAS, accordtng to the treEfic engineer., tra$Eic gener- <br />ated by a conveniance food establishment at the proposed location <br />will not slgniE{canCly impaeL the Elow o[ traEEic in the immedln` <br />aroa, nr~~iaea Future CounL•y Road I confir~uration is consideredj' <br />and <br />WHERh:AS, the Planning Cummis,lon has r.eviowed the Eindings <br />~E the trafElc en~7ineer. whereby acc~ss tn tho Huryer King faci.tity <br />h~ limitPd t.o nm.i curb cut. nn Crnmty R~~a~l T untit fi11CI1 lcime r~a <br />improv~ments nre mada to County Road I; anci <br />WHF.REAS, County Road I improvements, which include a <br />poseible conter medium and lane imprnvomenta aro anticipated in <br />the City's MSA pr.oyramp ancl <br />WHERBAS, the Planning Commiaston has rev.ewed tha Eindingn of. <br />,,~'~. oE the traE[ic enqinoor wherob,y a second r.urb cut be allowed at such <br />t ,~ time when impr.ovomente to County Rnad I have b~~n completed; and <br />~/ <br />WHF7RF,AS, sueh ACCHAfl potntg Tre <~s gh~wn on the vite plan <br />aubmLtted E~r this dr~velapment~ and <br />~, _. ,.. <br />