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1983-12-07 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1983-12-07 PC Minutes
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Maunde Viaw Planning Commieeion December 7, 1983 <br />Regular Maeting Page Two <br />-°--~-----------------------^--------------------------^---------------- <br />Mike Weise idenCified himemlf ae tha Chsirman ~f <br />~.the Building Co~itCee at Croee o.f Glory LuthRran <br />Church and etated he had nothing to add to <br />Tectmician Kampel'e raport. <br />Margaret Lilla etated ahe was reprnsenCing the <br />buyere for the property , and questioned whather <br />R-3 zoniag wae allowablo. Chairman Mountin <br />oxplained thaC the Compreheneive Y].an denotee <br />the a:en sa low dsn~~ty, R-2, and that R-3 ia <br />not compatibla with the Cowp Plan aG that <br />?ocation, and it would conetitute epor. zoning. <br />Me, L111a aekad if the R-2 zoning could be eaken <br />away at eome time in Cha future, ae we11 aa the <br />conditional use permit. <br />~ <br />Chairnian idountin axplxined that ehe conditional <br />uae perni~.t w~uid a~c+ll out the terme and condi- <br />tione for opexating a day cara center, and that <br />if the permit was vioZatad or eoma change <br />occurred, it would have to be ranegotiated. <br />appeer y <br />at that loc <br />etandards f <br />that once <br />aad a11 tha <br />ownere, it <br />violatione. <br />Ha <br />a condiCiona7. ue <br />conditione are <br />eroulcl nut bc re~ <br />that immediately <br />lication can be made <br />t, and titac iE ~Fta <br />it to R-2, it would <br />E a day care fecility <br />wed some of the <br />cility, and expleined <br />e permit hae bean drafted <br />mek by the property <br />~oked unlesa thexe were <br />Chairmah Mountin alao explainad that once the <br />proper~y is rezoned, the xezoning could not be <br />taken away at a futura daCe, and tha condltior.el <br />uee permit would be trane£errab"le to another <br />aimilar uea at the eame location. She alao <br />nxplaLned that the State Dnilding coda hae <br />etsndsrde which muet be met, ae wall as the <br />County conhrolling the licensiag, and the <br />City regulating the use of the property. <br />Tom Di£fley identified himaelf ao a member of <br />khe Crose oE Glory ~,utheran Church and atated <br />thaC the Church would consider Xaasing parking <br />epace to thu dey cara center which aould Ne <br />used Eor either partcing or p~ay epace. <br />Gt~airman Mountl.n qusetioned whether the piay <br />{ epnen would have to ba owned by the day cars <br />~.,/ centar. <br />cian Kampel explained <br />ing tite rezoning, &pp <br />nonditional usa permi <br />ng Commiseion c.hanges <br />the are in favor o <br />Technician Kemp el reviewed che parkir.g reyuire- <br />meeta for ~oint faciliti~e, and s~ated it <br />
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