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1983-12-07 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1983-12-07 PC Minutes
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~... , . . <br />t <br />f <br />~ ` MOUNUS ViKtV pLANNING COMMtBHtt~N <br />. I2RFOfUTION N0. 90-f13 <br />I /%~ CI'CY qL~ MOUNUS VIP:W <br />CqUNTY OF RAM9F.Y <br />~~, -•-'j ~ 5'CA'1'R OF M1NN65U'CA <br />kECOMMENDATION TU '17tF; CITY COUNCIL kSGARDLNC PLANNINC7 CASE 143-83 <br />WHENEAS, Croes oE Glory Lutheran Church, ownc~ra oE a <br />detached structurn locaF.ed nt 546(1 J+d~mg SY.rnet, havr. submittnd an <br />a~plicahion tn rezone thia property Ercm R-1r sinyle Fami.ty <br />R.nsidential t.o R-2, singlo and Two ~amlly Residontial to allow thr~ <br />Euturo use of the pr.oper.ty ae a day care faclllty; ~nA <br />WNF.RFAS, r,he P1<~nnin~ Commisglon, ae p~r.t ot the nver.all <br />review oE tha 7oning Code which is presenkly bef:ore the Ctty , <br />Council tor appr.uval, Ls recommending that day carr,/~roup nucsery <br />facilitt~s be an allowed use by conditiunal use poririik in an R-2 <br />Resldenttal pistrictt and <br />WHERFAS, day care/yroup nursc~r.y factlities pr.esently aro an <br />allowab).e use, by cohdltional uso pormit, in an R-3 Roqidenttal, <br />Districtj and <br />WHEREAS, the City ha3 razoned peoperty Ernm R-1 to R-2 when <br />,,/"~, tho pvoperty is locatr.d on tho poriphery oE residai7tial ~,r~i~~t,~~~~r- <br />ft 1 hoods and when the r.ezoning wilJ. not be ri?tri~nontal to the <br />~~••~ surrounding Ar2 uaes~ and , <br />WHEREAS, thie proper.ty ie located on the perlphery of a <br />residential'~rea and shoUld not be dotrimantal L•o surroondiny <br />single EamiPy usest and <br />~ WHEREAS, a rozoning co R-2 WoUld be con9ie~~ant with tY~e <br />Comprehensive Plan which denotes the area as L~.:,~en3lty <br />re3ldantialj <br />NOW, THBREFORE, BF. IT RESOLVEb thaY. tho Mounds VieW <br />Planning Commission rocnmmonds to the City Council approval oE the <br />reauest by Crnss nf Glory Lutheran Church to rezono the property <br />iocated at 54Fi2 Adams Street £rom R-1, Single F~mily Residentia2 <br />to R-2, Sinc~la and Two Family R~sldential~ <br />6E I'f F'UR'CHER RESO4VF.D that the Planning Commiesinn directs <br />FtaEE to Porwerd thle r.osolut.ton to the C.ity C~uncil prior to <br />approval oE tho minutes. <br />Adnpke~f hhis 7th d~y nf. Dncember., 19Fl3. <br />~ ATTE5Ts . __~_._._~_----~--^ <br />Cha'irman <br />(SEAL) <br />U~CBCtqY O~PU~I1C W~OCC~AT~ <br />Communil:y ncrve.).opmont <br />. _ ..., ,. <br />wr,>,.,,... ._._ .:, <br />
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