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1984-03-07 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1984-03-07 PC Minutes
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a~socu~rioc~ No, to2-aa <br />YAGE TWO OF THRGK <br />/~, c) per the eayu{r.emanhe oF Chaptar 49.07~ 9u6A, 4(n1~ <br />' nntificakinn to the Commiesioner oE Neturel Resourcoa <br />ahould bu mad~ prlar to r~ubmiCCel tn hha Councll= and <br />HHEltEA9, the sanltary eawer aystem propoaed appeprs to meet <br />the CiCy of MounAs Via~o criteria~ and <br />WNERLAS, easements Eor drainage purposeA ahall be provided <br />and recoeAed por the plans aubmittedi nnd <br />WHEREAS, the Firo ChiaE has reviewed this developmant <br />propoaal Eor canformity with all applicable flre codes and finds <br />it to be in conPnrmlty with all Eiro codee reviewedi and <br />WHF.REA5, the Rico Creok Watershed bistrict hae reviewod <br />thie propoeal and findr, i: to be in conEormance wi12 a21 Codee and <br />regulaEione of the Rice Creek Watetehacl Diste~ictt <br />NUW, TIiL•'NEFORE, lih IT RESOLVED that the Mounds Viaw <br />plar.ning Commtseion rec~~mmenda approval of the roquoet by <br />Chrietopher Companies of tha following: <br />11 A major subdivislon combining 10 lotn into 1 lot. <br />2) A conditional use parmit allowing khe extraction oE <br />~/'1 maCarials within the rlood plain zoning diatrict. <br />i <br />~~ 3) A flood plain use permit wM ch allowa the excavation/ <br />placement of Eill within the Elood plain zoning <br />diatrict. <br />41 vacation of the existing 10 Eoot utility and drainuge <br />easament between exisking lots 7 and 8. <br />5) Vacation of the existing 25 drainage ea~emenY.e {Document <br />No. 163496) between existing lota 4 and 5 by relocating <br />und expanding the easement north nE its existing loca- <br />tion to the detentiun basin area. All opon areae east <br />and wost of tho garagea located on the end of the <br />property, and all property to a distance of 200 Eeet <br />norCh of the northern most surface oE the garages <br />located along the north end oE thia development !n <br />addition to the oxsting 17.5 foot easement along the <br />weat pro~erty line shall be oasementod, fSee map fnr <br />easement lncation.) <br />6) Vacation oE the existing St. Stephen Streot right-ot-way ~ <br />£rom Bronson Drivo to County Road I conditioned,upon <br />the retention oE st•orm water drainage/atoraye~easeTant , <br />ahould it be determined to be necesrary f,or future storm ~ <br />„„,,, wat'er drainege/atorage by the Storm Water Management <br />j` 1, Plan. 1'ha existing right-of-way west ot• the cenCer line <br />~`~ ahall ~evert ko and become par.t of the Nordling Tarraco , <br />plat and the existing right-of-wny east oE tha center <br />~ <br />t <br />pupr„ ... ...,..,,.. _ .,..... ._ . . . ............. _ . . ,. „ , ~ _ . . ....„. <br />
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