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<br />MOUNDS VIEW PLANNING CUMMIyBIDN <br />RrSOLUTiON NO. 107-A4 <br />'~.. <br />CI1'Y OF' MOUNDS VIMW <br />COUNTY OF RAM9F.Y <br />STATE OF MINNR80TA <br />RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPRQVAL Ok TIi~ PINF.CRE9T PARK <br />DEVELOPMENT PROP08AL TO TH~ MOUNDS VI~W CITY COUNCIL <br />LAND LQCA'CL'U N.E. OF HIGI~WAY 10 AND 80UTH <br />OF COUNTY ROAD N-2~ CA5C 150-84 <br />WHGREAS, the applicantr Pinecre~st Proporties, lias requestod <br />the Eollow3nyr <br />1. Rededtcation of Raymond Avenue. <br />2. Potitlon far publlc improvements Eor Raymond Avenus. <br />3, Rezone Erom B-3 and R-4 to Induetrial the following lots <br />aE the plat Pinecreat Addi.tion: <br />Lot 1, 81ock 1' <br />Lot 3, Ulock 1 <br />Lot 1, 81ock ~ <br />Lnt 2, elock 2 <br />~ 4, bedication oE street rlght-of-way addition anrl full <br />median cross-over. to Trunk Hi~hway 10 between propiisod <br />Raymohd Avenue and County Road I1-27 and <br />WHER~rt3, the rededication of Raymond Avenue and atreet <br />right-o[-way additinn togothor wiCh the F.ull median cross-over on <br />Trunk H{ghwaf 10 will be an adequate stroet to provi:le baeic <br />acceae to the Qroposed developmenti and <br />wHEREAS, the petition of public improvemente ts 100 oercenti <br />and nacesa~ry for developmenti and <br />WHBREA9, the rezonings requested are in compliahce with the <br />Compr.ehenaive Plan direction Eor M ekricC 2i and <br />WHBREAS, the applicent hae proposed a mininium 40 fuot <br />screening and buEEer area along CoUnty Road H-2j and <br />WHER~AS, thn applicanN hae propoaed a r.ul-de-sac at the nazth <br />end oE Raymond Avonue with an ernorgency accass only from County Road <br />H-2 to aliminate e traEfic impect to the northern ro~idenkial arear <br />and <br />WHER~AB, the lots within th~ propoaed Qevelopment all moeC <br />minim~~m area requir.em~nts~ <br />~ NOW, THERBFORE, BE IT REBOLVED that f:ho Mounds View Planning <br />Commiselon recommends approval oE the applicant's request as atahed <br />ebova in itema 1, 2, 3 and 4t <br />..,.,,, <br />