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MOUNpB VIEW PLANNINd COMMI9SION <br />RE90LUTI0N N0. 110-84 <br />~ CITY OP MOUNOS VSBW <br />~ COUNTI OF RAM9EY <br />~. 9TATE OF MINNE90TA <br />RE3tlLUTTON RECOMMENDING APPROVA4 OF THE DEVELOPMENT <br />PROPOSAL OF ~AY WEST, INC., P4ANNTNO CASE 15d-84 <br />WHEREAB~ Bay West, Ina, has requested to build a 10~100 <br />aquare foot oEfice/warohouse building~ and <br />WHEREA3, Mounde View Code Section 59.07 requires <br />development review of eucli propoealst and <br />WHEREAB, the applicant, Hay West, Inc., has submittod a <br />oite plan and floor planJ and <br />WNBREAS, the aite pl~n and f2oor plan meet minimum Code <br />requirementaj and <br />WHEREAS, the propoeed uao !e also in c~mpliance with the <br />axiatiny zuning and Compreheneive Plan designutian~ <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mounda View <br />- Planning Commieeion recommenda approval of the proposal with the <br />folluwtng condition~s <br />~. • <br />1) 8-6-18 curbing tre usad for pmrking araas and aruas <br />needing drainage control. <br />2) That'~he applicant agree to pave Mustar+g Lane at,a ~ <br />Euture tine ae an emergency eecondary entrance for the <br />i.nduetrlal park. <br />3) Exhibits for the dovelopment agreement includes <br />a. Site bond <br />b. Plane and specifications <br />a. Bite Plan and landscaping plan <br />d, Chapter 49A dralnage zequirementa <br />e. Chaptor 49A aecuriiy <br />E. Exhibit A L•o include iter~~ 1 and 2 abo+~e <br />g. Rice Creeh WaY.erehed Diatrict appraval <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mounda~ View Planning <br />Commisaion direct etaff to forward this resolution to the City <br />Counctl prlor to a~proval of the minutee. <br />Adopted this 6th day of June, 1984. <br />ATTEBTs <br />~ C a rmen <br />(SEAL) <br />D rector o Pu c Wor s <br />Communiky Development <br />