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Mounds View Planning Co~iseion Apri1 4, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page 5ix <br />,r~ DireeCOr Thatcher reported he wili have a draft reso- 9~ Action Ytemes <br />~ j lution pr.eparad for eha next ager.da eeeaion, regarding Overnight Park- <br />•° ovarnight paxking. ing, LoC <br />Frontage/PUD <br />He aleo advised that the lat frontage/PUD diecuesion Diecuseion <br />will remain on ehe aganda, until the Planning <br />Commiseion hae an opportunity to diecuee it, <br />Director Thatcher advised the money had been budgetod <br />to purchase two tickete for the APA conL•erence, which <br />will be hald in Minneapolls, from May 5-9. He addec <br />tha regintration deadline ia Apr1.1 8, r~~id he has <br />requestad a achedule of diaoueaione and events. <br />The Planning Commiseion directed Stnff to purchase <br />two ticketa to the APA confezence, with a echedule <br />Cu be ast at thc next agenda sesaion, of who would <br />attend which aeseionA. Yt aras also agreed that <br />Lhe meabars ehould maY.e a£ prasentation to the <br />raet ~f the Commieeion, of the sessiona Chey attend, <br />so ae to ahare the inforciation received. <br />Director Thatcher reported e new report has been <br />~'~, prepared, and Staff is in the proceas of compsx2ng <br />i the rtew report to the old, and will copy any changea <br />~--~ made, attd dietribute to the Co~iaeion. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported the Council has not <br />takan action on anything lately that direcCly eEfecta <br />the Planning Commieaion. She added they are ataying <br />on cop of the airport situation. <br />Director Thatcher reported the Council has requested <br />that aomeone from the Yla:ining Commission be preaent <br />at the controversial rezoning nearinga the Council <br />has ecUeduled for May 14 and 28, an3 June 11 and 2S, <br />ae an advocete for the City's poaition, to provide <br />a t~etter background. He eta.ted he would pxovide <br />~he Go~iasianero o£ a schedule of. the hearinge. <br />Councilmember Blanchard explained that the Council <br />is not aaking them to defend t:heir deciaion but <br />rather to help anetaer queetione and provide a <br />hietory of the property involved. <br />Chairman Mountin advised the Planning Cov~iseion <br />ahould have a sl•aCement prepared regarding the <br />Comp Plan and why the Planning Commisaion is <br />', recommending the rezoning, and have a history <br />~j prepared to discuse at the next agenda eession. <br />10. APA Conference <br />11 <br />'~ <br />f~ , ''~r ~ <br />~~ ; ' d <br />~"~~ , ~ <br />Local and ~ <br />Reg~onal Plannin~ <br />Report ' <br />12. Diecusa Faet <br />Council Action <br />and Next Agenda <br />Counsilmember Blanchard also advioed that any <br />rezoning that gets too hot will be Labled Eor <br />two weeks. <br />