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~,< , . ~ . „ ~ wt^, ~..i .i..~, <br />MOUNU5 VIF,'W PLANNTNG CQMMT9810N <br />RReOLUTtON NO. 1Q4-d4 <br />Cl'CY Ol~ MUUNbS VIRW <br />/^~ COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />~ ~ BTATE OF MINNE3pTA <br />RECUMMENbATION TO THF, CITY COONCIL REGARDTNG <br />GA4C/YUST AD~I'P10N, 8205 LAPOR'f DRIVF'., CABF, 149-84 <br />WH~'REAS, the developer ia propoaing a major aubdiviaion <br />coneiatiny aE L•hro~ loCs; and <br />WHEREA3, the City, to date, has received a patitiol~ Eor <br />the publio improvument ?nd a Eenaihility study has be submitt.ed; <br />WFIBREAS, tho hardehip juetifical•ion Eor the project Sa the <br />Clty's closing oE the easement on Ardan Avenue which made other <br />lot devalopmont not practical~ <br />NOW, THfiI~EEqRG, BE IT RF.SOLVBD that tha Mounds View <br />Planning Cominiesion ~ ar,ommend ro k1~e Ci.ty Counci.l khc~t a <br />devc~lopment agreemont be entered into between the City oE Flound~s <br />Viax and kho d~valcpars, Susan Gala and uabra Yost, whtch include <br />the Eollowing provisionss <br />a. exhibita <br />1) site grading and utility plan <br />2) aite development and landscape plan <br />~'~ 3) site survey <br />4i easomant map and legal description Eor <br />'' ~ required storage pond (ordinance No. 49A) . ~. <br />5) legal description <br />6) Ordinance~ No. 49H soven year. percormance <br />bond of S1,oo0.00 <br />7) buildlnq plans and specificationa <br />8) 10'foot wide Eoot path ea~ement <br />b. Security for the development in an amount to ba <br />determined. <br />c. Payment oE all City expenses above and beyond amounts <br />' praviously aubmited. <br />' 'd. Other ii:ems as may be requirnd by r.he City Council. <br />e. Variance Eox 50 foot radius~and 25 fo~t setback. <br />P. Removal bf shed an6 garage: <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that hhe Mounds View Planning <br />Commission direct staEf to Eoward thie resolution to the City <br />Council prior Co approval oE the minutes. <br />,..~.,, Adapte9 this 4th day oE April, 1984. <br />V ATTESTt <br />Chairman <br />(SEAL) <br />Directoz of Publ c Worka <br />CommuniCy Developmonk <br />ec:~~::,.,,~. ~ ... .....:....... ,.. ,, . <br /> <br />~ <br />