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y~~..~.~..,:~..,,,-:av.,-~.,a... .. .,. _. - <br />MOUNDB VIEW PLANNING COMMIS5ION <br />I2E80L~1TIUN N0. 108-94 <br />+ CTTY OF MOUND8 VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAM5GY <br />STATE OF MINNBSOTA <br />PECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE RE20NING OF <br />CER2AIN PROP~KTIE5 40CATEU ALONG TF1E WEST SIDE OF SUNNYSIDE <br />ROAD gETWEEN WOODCREST DRIVE AND COUNTY ROAD H-2 <br />, l~ <br />,,. ~ <br />WHE[tEAB~ there exiata alony the wesC side of Sunnyside <br />Roed, between Woodereak Drive and County Road H-2, six doubie <br />bungelowst nnd <br />WNEREAB, these six doublo bungelows were built prior to <br />1960~ and <br />WHERERS~ the City's zoning map shows that the properties <br />were, and pSnh tu romain, R-1, single fam:lyj and <br />YIHEREAS, the Planninq Commtasion hae ineerpreteQ that khe <br />intent of the Curnprehsrcive Plan ).ow dansity aan inolude one <br />and two Eemily unit buildings~ an4 <br />WHEREA9, the Comprehensiva Plan designation for this area <br />ie low densityf and <br />WNEREAS, the owners of the double bungeluwa and the <br />surrounding neighborhood have requeated and agree, respeativoly~ . <br />bhat the property shou~~ be rezoned £rom R-1 to R-2r and' <br />WHBREAB, hhe rea.oninq from R-1 to R^2 would make the ' <br />structurea on the lot Code conEorming; <br />NOW, TAEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mounds View ~ <br />Planning Commission recommends to the City Council thet the <br />Qroparty deacribed as Lots 1 through 8, elock 6~ Twelve !Jaks <br />Seaond Addition, be rezoned from R-1 to R-2. <br />Adopr.ed this'2nd day of May, 19~4. <br />ATTEuT: <br />C a rman <br />(SEAL) , <br />V <br />1~ <br />' , ' D rector o Pu c Wor e ~ <br />Community Devslopmont <br /> <br />r , <br />r <br />s . <br />~. ,..._.,. ._. ._.~...~,,: ....:e;~.., .,.,,.~.,: ,... .... . <br />a~n , . .. .,. <br />