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1984-06-06 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1984-06-06 PC Minutes
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Mounds View Planning Co~tiesion June 6, 1984 <br />Raguler Meeting Page rwo <br />°---------------°------------^-------°--^-----------------------°----- <br />~xhiUit 2A aonditione. <br />°`Chsirnnn Mountitt explained in the City of Mounde <br />View, property that ie benflfitted by a etreet c~rould <br />pay fox their side of the street, She also e~cplainad <br />that the Planning Commieaion ie looking epecifically <br />at the land usa and compraheneiva plan. <br />Chairman MounCin notad th~~ eince the Planning <br />Commieaion did not eee a formal application for thie <br />propoaul ar thelr reguler meeCing, they could table <br />Che diecuesion. She added that while all requir mtente <br />eeem tn be met, parking ahould be further addressed, <br />Co~iesioner Warren questioned the planttQd setback, in <br />relation tn Che landseaping that ie planned. <br />Di.rector Thatcher exp lained they are glanning to sad into <br />the ruad eesement, which ie not inappr4priaCe. 8e added <br />they plan to sod any area that is tora up durin~ con- <br />atruction, and Che aaeements ara already 3n rilace. <br />Me. Erickeon etated thare nre 14 employeea pxeaently at <br />their lacatiott in St. Paul, and the cruahed rock erea <br />would b~ used for overPiow parkin~ end for parkin~ their <br />~!`aquipmenL•. <br />~-birector Thatcher noted there is ample space for the <br />draina~c area, fle also noted that they plan on putting <br />up a 6 cyclone fence, and ecreening ie only requirad <br />if they were abuttin$ a residential area. <br />Mr. Richmann atated that very few vehiclea will be moving <br />in and out, and until Mustang Lane is fully developed, <br />they cannot make better utilization of their propertp. <br />He added ther4 is already a good deal of this type oE <br />equipment in the aree already. <br />Cummiaeioner Warren etated ehe would ltke landscaping <br />included on the eite plan. Mr, Richmentt replied they <br />~af.ll add it, and bxing it in later in the week. <br />Concern was also expxessed about drainage, which will be <br />addressed by Chapter 40A. <br />~ha•lrman Mountin recommended adding a etipaLation to Che <br />pxopoeed redolution, to include the 'Landecaping plan and <br />approval from Ri~., eek Watershed Dietrict. <br />MB. Erickaon asked if approval could be granted tionighC, <br />,based on those stipulatione, as they vrould like to begin <br />~ naCruction July 1, and would like to gat on to the <br />~ty Qouncil. <br />Mr. Rlctimann staCed he had been told they could pzoceed <br />with getting approvaL from the'Ciey Council, L~~ <br />
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