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Mounde View Planning Cau~ieaton Juna b 198G <br />Ragular Me~ting ~R,ga ~~ye <br />---°-----~---~--~----°~--~----------°----------°---------------°----~- <br />,O"'~ave Liaht of Midweet Planning on the rePOninga, <br />~ ~ <br />"°rhe Planning Coaaniseion directed Staft to cohtact <br />Mr.nicht to eeu if Che languaga ie sufficiant for <br />the rezoninga, and to have n eufficient hietory <br />of how the recoauneudatione came about. It was <br />noted the funding would t;ave to be approved by <br />tho Cauncil. <br />Director Thatchar noted nothing was scheduled yet <br />for the ne°t agettda eaosion. <br />The attendees at the May 16 agenda aeseion were 9. Cheirmoa's <br />Co~iaeionera Andereon, Quick, Lauterbach, Miller, Report <br />Warren, Fore2und and Sargent, b3rector ThaCCher <br />and Councilmember Blanchard. <br />Chairman Mountin asked Staff to check into when the <br />next land uee law course would be off~red through <br />tl~e U of M, ae it would be very helpful for the <br />Com~iesionare, <br />Dixector Tha.taher updated the Plenning Coffinieaion !0. Staff Repozt <br />!"qn the H$rsCad property rezoning, etating nothing <br />~ !ad beexi reaeived ba~k or. it qet, and on the Richard <br />~--Lind variance requeat, etating that Mr. Lind had <br />decide.d to change his plan and would not require <br />a variance any langer. <br />Director Thatcher reported that Holiday Statione <br />ia propoaing to devel.op on the property weet of <br />the inte~section af Silver Lake Road and Highway <br />10, where Northwest Marine i.e presentl~+ locaCed. <br />He eteted their drawinga are available in the <br />library, and they will be in soon before the <br />Ylan.ning Co~iseion. <br />Chairman Mountin notod that a conditiona2 uee <br />permit w~uld ba required, and that if they met <br />alI the requirements, Che City w~uld have a <br />haxd time denying it. <br />Director Thatcher reparted that the property <br />known as the Church triangle ia in the procaea <br />of being sol.d to Kinder CarQ, Tnc. He reported <br />the Council had told the Church at their public <br />hearing that if a c.c~py of the purchase agreemenC <br />was received at Ciey Hall before the eecond reading <br />oE the rezoning, they would reconeider. He added <br />aff now has a copy of the purchase agreement, <br />~d if ti:e Council agreee with it, it may be back <br />before the Planning Commiseion. <br />.:;..,. ... ... ... .._.. „. <br />