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Mounde View Planning Co~nisaiaa July 5, 19~4 <br />" Regular Meeting Page Two <br />~-----------------°--»-••-_-^-.-_.-...-~----~-~---~^-------------~--- <br />3teve 8eeman, 2606 Clear.viea Avenue, quaetianed ~ho <br />- owne the wetland, <br />AcCing Chairman Andmreon replied it ie ovmed b,y <br />Keith Rarstad, <br />Director Thetcher exp lalned tha Cowniseion <br />hae the optione available during thie maeting to <br />recommend to the Council the property either be re- <br />~oned to R-3, or remain R-1, <br />Julian 9prunek, 2649 Louisa Avenue, ateted his <br />Prop~erty abuCte tha property on County Road t92, and he <br />hae eerioua environmental concarns, ae there ie already <br />a problcm with atandirig wat~r after any heavy rain. He <br />atated he vrould atrongly advocate no tamper±ng ba done <br />with the presenk zoning of the land, but leava it R-.l. <br />2ie aleo stated he ia not sure whare the water is coming <br />from that is ponding in hie back yard. <br />Director Thatcher explained the watar drains off ehe <br />roads and L•hrough the back yarde, and the naCUral <br />draittage ie to the back yards and then Y.o the east. <br />Mr. Seeman stated he hae the same problem, with water <br />standing in his back yard, and he has had water in <br />hte hack yar.d for the past three weeks, He added that <br />the natural drainage has oeen filled in. <br />Steve Miller, 2614 Avenue, etated he ha3 tha <br />serie pxoblem also, and hae had to inaCall drain tile. <br />He added he does not see the value of putting anything <br />buh single Pamily homes in that ar.ea. <br />Commiesioner Foralund questianned whethsr there is a, <br />drainage easemenh in the back yarda. Mr. Miller repl3ed <br />there is none in the back yarde, ~uet tha front yarde. <br />Mr, Spxvnek stated ha hea lived in his home s3nce 1977, <br />and hae had'a water problem eaeh year, so it is not ~uer, <br />a xecent problem. <br />Mike Barner, 2609 Clearview, sCated that he has lived in <br />hie home since 1976, and has heard about pcssible rezoninga <br />three times, and questioned why the City coneiders it, as <br />the residents do not want it to chan~e. <br />Jean Andres, 2637 Louiea Avenue, atated she is againet <br />rezoning to R-3, and ehe doas not believe Mr. Haratad would <br />conform to the requirements of the City if he were to <br />develop ttte property, She added ahe Eeels too much traffia <br />{~'`~ would be generated wit:~ six-plexes. <br />~~~ Tenance 0'Keefe, 2618 Clearview Avenue, etate3 he woul.d <br />like to aee the property re~ain R-1. <br />