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/'~ MOUNDS VIEW PLANNING COMMIByIUN <br />f ~ RESOLUTION NO. 123-84 <br />V CITY OP MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE UF MINNEBOTA <br />RECOMMENDATIODI TO TN~ CITY COUNCIL REGARDIN6 <br />MOUN6S VSEW PLANNING CA9E NO. 1r3-94, HOLIDAY BTATLON BTOREB <br />WHEREAB, Holiday 9hetion Btoree has requested Clty • <br />aQproval to a~nstr.uct a gasoline/convenienc~ stora within the <br />City of Moun~s Viewt and <br />WNEREA3, cnnetruction af thia gasoline/conventence etore <br />facility ae requested requires appri~val oE a minor subdivieion <br />tcombininq 2 lota into 1), conditional use permit, and <br />devolapmant approvelt and <br />WIiEREA3, the Rlanninq Commisaicn hae reviewed the BtaEf <br />Report and hae revieweC a report on the development by John <br />Shardlow ot Ho~ard Dnhlqren Associakea, inc., the applicant!s <br />coneultant,.along with information submttted by the applicant <br />! ~-~ which includes the Eollowings <br />~ <br />\,J e) Development Plan <br />b) Bite eurvey <br />c) Projoct Summary <br />d) Evidenas oE Proper Bcreeniny en~ Landsaaping~ and <br />WHEREAS, tha Developur hae declined eubmitting the plan to <br />pavid Licht, the City consultant, Eor devalopmont review~ and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commiaeion has also reviewed this <br />pr~posal and it is in conEormance with all chapters of the <br />Munictpal Codo, apecificelly Chaptere 40, 42, 4" and 49A and <br />9tat•e Statutee~ and <br />WHEREAS, this propoeal meeta all r.nquirementd oE Chepters <br />40, 42 and 49 of the Municipal Code~ and <br />WHEREAS, Rice Croek Waterahed Dietrict, Mlnnesota <br />Dapartmnnt oP Traneportetion and Ramsey County will review the <br />developmant prior fo conetructioni and <br />WNERBAB, the axiykinq Camprel~onaive Plan racommends that <br />this area ehould be Qevelopod mAdium deneity residentiel~ and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commiseion hae reviewed the <br />Comprehensive Pl~n to identify the policy and plnnning iseuos <br />~ raqarding oontinued atrip commercial developmant on Nighwey l0i <br />•~. <br />