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<br />~ RE80LUTION NO, 122-84
<br />~ 1 ~
<br />,
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<br />' `'p
<br />~
<br />.,
<br />,~ BE IT PURTNER RESOLVED'thaE a development apeeement be '
<br /> entered into beEween the, CiEy and the Deve3.opar which includes
<br />~ kha fo.llowing provisions~
<br />;, j
<br />~:. ~
<br />a) ~xhibits~
<br />r ~
<br />'+ ,
<br />1. 91to, Grading and Utility Plen
<br />~~?. i 2. Site, Devolopment end Landacepe Plan
<br />
<br />~ 3. 81te survey
<br />
<br />u~ ~. Leyal pescription
<br />. 5. Ordinence No. 49A 7-Year Peformance Bond
<br />' oE $1,000,00
<br />A~~,% 6. Building Plana and Specificationa
<br />~~ b) Security for the development in an amount ko be
<br />"4'
<br />; deterenined.
<br />,
<br />....
<br />.~
<br />~"
<br />,
<br />c) Exhibit 2A to require tha followings
<br />, y
<br />'? G' '
<br />1. Payment ~f alI City expensea above and beyond
<br />:
<br />~
<br />i amounts previ.ouely aubmitted.
<br />•
<br />:
<br />.
<br />f
<br />/~~
<br />~" ?[ ~
<br />'
<br />' 2. Other items as may be reguired by the Clty CounciL
<br />,':
<br />~ ~,,,~,~
<br />`" ~ 3. Maximum hours of operation,ehall be from 6~00 e.m.
<br />~`• to 11s00 p.m.
<br />cr,,
<br />?~~~ ' . BE IT FURTHER RESO4VE0 that a conditional use permit be
<br />~' granted vhich includen the above itemsJ
<br />°"~
<br />.j~~~ . BE IT FURTH6R RESQLVED that the Mounds View~Planning~ ,
<br />~; '= Commiaeion direct ataff td forward'this reaolution to the City
<br />~,:: ; Council prior to approval of the minutea.
<br />~~ ~
<br />"? a3opted thie 19th day of September, 198~.
<br />tt'; ,
<br />ATTESTt ~~ '' ,
<br />~ , cnauman
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<br />i ISEAL) , ~ ,. ~~ ~ ~ , ,
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<br />D rector o Pub c,Worka
<br />i ~ Comnunity Develppnaent
<br />
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