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• MOUND~ VI6W PLANNING CQMMI93ION <br />RESOLUTION NO. 123-84 <br />,~, PAaE TWO 6E TWO <br /> <br />' NOW, TNEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mounde VieW <br />Plenning Commi~uton recommende deniel of the requeat by Holiday <br />Station Storeo based on the Eollowing Eindinges <br />1. Propoeed development in not in conFormance with the <br />exieking Compreheneive Land Uae Plan commoraiel gaale <br />and pollcies, and the apirit end intant of the <br />Compreheneive Plan to limit commerciel etrip <br />development on Nighway 10. <br />2. A development review by !he npplicant's planning <br />aoneultent~ John Bhaedlow oF Howard Dahl~ren <br />Aseociatee, Inc., did not eddrsse the PollowinQ <br />plenning ie~uesi <br />A. 9t&eking of peak hour treffic on Highway 10 and <br />Silver Laka Road. <br />B. TraEfic relationehip to proposed Rinder Care and <br />the exlsting bank operati~n. <br />j <br />C. Ingresa and egross traffic pakterns. j' <br />'~~ D, Noiae end emissiona. I <br />I <br />~ <br />~~' E. GeneYal environmental issues, i <br />1 <br />F. Si*.e Utilization, j <br />BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that tho Mounds Vlew Planning ~ <br />Commieeion direct ataff to f.orward thts reso.lutian and unapproved ~ <br />Plannirlg Commieaion ~ninutea of 6eptember 5, 1984 and f3eptembar ~ <br />19, 1984 to the City Council prior to approval o£ the minutes. <br />Adopted this 19th day of September, 1984, j <br />ATTE3Tt <br />(SEAL) <br />Cha rman <br />i <br />.. . D rect~"or of- Pub c Work,s T- , <br />Community bevelopmenh. <br />~ <br />ti , ., ,.. <br />