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1985-05-01 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1985-05-01 PC Minutes
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Mounde View PlenninK Co~nieAion May 1, 1995 <br />REgular Meating Page Two <br />-----------------------~-----~~---------------°°--°------~--^---- <br />r"'~~ Donald Kelly, 8101 Long Lake Road, eeetad hie eon <br />would like to build a home by eubdividing hie lot, <br />° whtch ie 100 faet deep by 200 feet oride, with hi.a <br />lot to be 120 feat wide, at tha corner oE Sher.wood <br />and Long Lake Road. <br />Chairman Mountin advised Mr. Kelly to,make hie application <br />at City Hall, and he could be placed on thF agenda in <br />two weeka time, and if tho peperwork is in order, they <br />can call to order and take care oE the eubdiviaien, <br />otherwiee it cou11 ha sahedulc+d for the Eirat week tn <br />June. She added that City Staff wi11 provida Mr. <br />1Celly with the tteceseary informaCion. <br />Director ThaLCher briezly reviewed the plun for Che 5, Crose of Glory <br />proposed addition to tha church. He explained <br />had reviewed it at the laet agenda seseion; and theq <br />he Y.utheran Church <br />Case 169=85 <br />reviewed the glanning repott. <br />---~ Mr. Jeck flolmea, the contructor for the project, <br />i ; explalnec~ they will uae down liahtins, which should <br />`-~ not cauee any probleme. <br />The Planning Coimnissian agreed tca reqaest a lighting <br />diagcam/echematic to be included in the resolutlon. <br />Commissioaer Warren stated ahe has a prob~.em <br />Iigits being on all'the time in the parking lot. <br />Mr. Lester Steichen, repxesentative of the Uuildinq <br />co~iCtee oE the church, explained they have hed <br />problems vandalism in the past, which is why <br />they 'would like the lights to be on. He also stated <br />there is a problem with the MTC bue atop on the west <br />eide of the property, in that it ie quite worn down. <br />Director Thatcher replied they could add more gruvel <br />to the roadway. He also recommended the Planning <br />Coo~iesion require the garbage to be screened. <br />M~o__t_ion Gecond: Forelund/Miller to adopt Reaolukion <br />, recommending, approval to the City Council <br />regerding Mounda View Planning Case No. 169-85, Cross <br />of Glory Lutharan Church. <br />6 ayes 0 naye Motion Carried <br />~ <br />
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