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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planning Conunission Resolution 578-99 <br />April 21, 1999 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission makes the following findings that possible adverse <br />effects have been considered in its recommendation, as required by Section 1125.0 I Subd. L e.: <br /> <br />1 . Relationship with the Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br />The Comprehensive Plan encourages the development and maintenance o/resldential areas so as <br />to Improve the quality, appearance and attractiveness (~rhousll1g 1IJ1lIS and resldenflal property in <br />general. 77w Comprehensive Plan designates tIllS property. 2091 'l'erracc Drive. as low-density <br />residential. This prc~posal does not conflict with the ComprehenSive Plan. <br /> <br />2,4. The Geographical Area Involved & the Character of the Surrounding Area. <br /> <br />In this area (~(Mollnd~' View. mO.\'1 (~rthe homes and 10ls are ofa similar design and size. many (~I <br />l1'hich have garages as or larger than that existing at 2091 'l'errace Drive. More than halr(~( <br />the garages in this area are detached fi'om the principal structure. A larger garage on lhe su~ject <br />property would not appear out of place. <br /> <br />3. Whcther such use will tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. <br /> <br />Constructing a larger garage than what is currently existing I-rill have an immediate posilive impact <br />on the property value for the su~ject property. It is not conceivable that this garage addition would <br />depreciate the surrounding area in any way. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />The demonstrated need for such a use. <br /> <br />The existing garage is small by today '.\' standard and for the needs of the property owner <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Planning CommiSSIOn makes the following findings regarding the criteria <br />for approval ofa conditional use permit, as required by Section 112501 Subd 3.b.: <br /> <br />1. Thc use will not create an excessive burden on existing parks, schools, strccts and othcr public <br />facilities and utilities which scrve or arc proposed to serve the area. <br />7. The use will not cause traffic hazards or congestion. <br />8. Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and necessary facilities have been or will be provided. <br /> <br />Constructing a larger garage I-rould not create a greater impact on existing public facilities. parks. <br />schools or services. on utilities or access road~'. nor ll'ould it create an increase in tra/lie 011 <br />adjacent streets. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />The use will be sufficiently compatible or separated by distance or screcmng from adjacent <br />rcsidentially zoned or used land so that existing homes will not bc depreCIated in value and there will <br />be no deterrence to development of vacant land. <br />The structure and site shall have an appearance that will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent <br />residential properties. <br /> <br />'" <br />-'. <br /> <br />Because the house is set back approximately 50 feetfi'om the street and because the garage would <br />be located hehind the house. the garage would he sllhstan/lally screenedfi'om puhlic vielt' 7'ile <br />garage would he located toward the west side (~(the lot. therehy providing a separatIOn o(distal1ce <br />between it and the property to the east The property to the west, Il'ith no screening. is already <br />accustomed to having a garage at this location. <br />