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Mounds View City Council January 9, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />a public hearing for the residents, then have the <br />. commissions come in, and then finally with City Staff. <br />Mayor Hankner stated the government in this country <br />is run by those who show up, and those who actively <br />participate have the opportunity for greater <br />influence. <br />Attorney Meyers left the meeting at 7:22 PM. <br />Motion/Second: Blanchard/Quick to approve the Decem- 5. Approval of <br />ber 27, 1988 minutes as presented. Minutes: <br />December 27, <br />4 ayes 0 nays 1988 <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion/Second: Wuori/Quick to approve the January 3, January 3, <br />1989 minutes as presented. 1989 <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Park and Rec Director Saarion introduced Norm Kelsen- 6. Residents <br />. berg, of the Spring Lake Park Lions Club, and Wayne Requests and <br />Burmeister, Chairman of the Park and Rec Commission, Comments from <br />who have been working on the redevelopment of Lakeside the Floor <br />Park. <br />Mr. Kelsenberg updated the Council on the progress the <br />Lions Club has made since they first proposed last July <br />to sponsor the construction of a new beach house. Pre- <br />liminary plans have been approved by the Spring Lake <br />Park Council and blueprints are being made by their <br />City Engineer's office. Spring Lake Park will be the <br />contractor of records, and they expect to have plans <br />ready to advertise for bids after March 21, and then <br />let the contract 21 days later, and hope to have the <br />facility in place by the time the beach opens this <br />spring. Mr. Kelsenberg showed the plans to the Council <br />and asked if there was any opposition. <br />Park Director Saarion reported the plans would be <br />going to the Park and Rec Commission for their meeting <br />later this month. She added they are working on a <br />tight timeframe. <br />There was no opposition from the Council to the plans <br />presented, and they thanked the Lions Club for their <br />contribution. <br />• <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley reviewed the items on the 7. Approval of <br />proposed consent agenda, and he explained the topics Consent <br />of the proposed ordinances for the public hearings to Agenda <br />be scheduled. <br />