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Mounds View City Council January 23, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />• the Ramsey County Commissioners or the Mounds View <br />City Council. <br />Clerk/Administrator Paisley read proposed Resolution <br />No. 2443, encouraging the construction of a library <br />in Mounds View. <br />Jerry Linke, 2319 Knoll Drive, stated the chief <br />concern at this point seems to be the dollar value, <br />and he has talked to both Commissioners Salverda <br />and McCarty. He reviewed statistics available for <br />the Anoka County Library on Highway 10 and the <br />overcrowding of that facility, with over 20 percent <br />of the users of that facility being from Ramsey <br />County. He noted consideration was also being given <br />to locating a library in a school facility and <br />reviewed the disadvantages of such a plan. <br />Mayor Hankner reported the County has set a level of <br />expectation for the people of Mounds View for having <br />a library, and an important issue to consider is the <br />fact that the residents pay property taxes in this <br />County for library use, with $120,000 being paid in <br />1988. If Mounds View residents are being urged or <br />directed to use the Anoka County library, then their <br />• tax money should be going to Anoka County, or if <br />they are urged to use Irondale, the library tax <br />money should go to Irondale. Mayor Hankner further <br />suggested the possibility of approaching Shoreview <br />and New Brighton about pooling resources. <br />Councilmember Quick noted that at least $8 per person <br />per year is being paid by Mounds View residents for <br />library use. <br />Mayor Hankner stated the County is a bureaucracy <br />out of control, citing their costs of snow plowing <br />as one example, and the library issue as another. <br />Councilmember Quick questioned how much money had <br />been wasted already with no results. <br />Mr. Linke stated the price of the Mounds View land <br />appears to be a good price, and it might be a good <br />idea to put money down on it before the owner <br />receives a better offer. <br />Mayor Hankner stated the Library Board has not <br />seriously negotiated with anyone concerning the <br />purchase of property for a future library. <br />• Motion/Second: Hankner/Wuori to approve Resolution <br />No. 2443, encouraging the construction of a library <br />in Mounds View, and waive the reading. <br />4 ayes 0 nays. Motion Carried <br />