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Mounds View City Council February 27. 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />-----------------------------------------------------------------------'-- <br />Ms. Meizell stated she felt the New Brighton Bulletin <br />was a New Brighton newspaper, and questioned whether <br />either paper would put Mounds View in its leader. <br />Harvey Rockwood, of the Focus, stated the paper is <br />currently going to four northern suburban Ramsey <br />County communities, and beginning this week they <br />will split it into two separate groups, with common <br />material and items of special interest to the areas <br />involved. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley reviewed proposed Ordi- 15. First Reading <br />nance No. 458, updating the building and license of Ordinance <br />fees for the City. No. 458 <br />Motion/Second: Quick/Wuori to approve the first <br />reading of Ordinance No. 458, amending the Munici- <br />pal Code of Mounds View by amending Chapter 60 <br />entitled "Building and License Fees", and waive <br />the reading. <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained an adequate 16. Consideration <br />water system is needed to provide water service of Agreement <br />to the SYSGO project, in the event of a fire, and Between the City <br />while Mounds View has enough for a normal situation, of Mounds View <br />they do not have an adequate service there for a and City of <br />fire, so negotiations were undertaken with Blaine Blaine for <br />for an extension to their water main, to be used Connection to <br />only in the event of a fire. He explained that if Municipal Water <br />the system became activated, the Mounds View service System <br />to the building would automatically be shut off. <br />He added the developer will also assume all obli- <br />gations the City would encounter. <br />Mayor Hankner reported the Blaine Council had <br />approved the agreement on February 16, and attorneys <br />for both Cities have reviewed it and everything is <br />in order. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Quick to approve the agreement <br />between the City of Mounds View and the City of <br />Blaine for the purpose of permitting certain pro- <br />perty in the-City of Mounds View to connect to the <br />municipal water system of the City of Blaine for <br />fire protection services. <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />s <br />