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Mounds View City Council February 27, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Nine <br />Park and Rec Director Saarpn reviewed the statistics <br />of the Park and Rec programs and she thanked all the <br />employees who were involved in the running of the <br />department and the programs. She added programs can <br />be built around instructors and their various interests <br />or talents. <br />Attorney Karney requested the Council authorize 22. Report of <br />issuance of a check payable to Ernest LaPort, who Attorney <br />had litigation pending against the City and has <br />agreed to accept the City~s offer of settlement. <br />Motion/Second: Wuari/Blanchard to approve the settle- <br />ment in the case between the City of Mounds View and <br />Ernest LaPort in the amount of $1,000. <br /> <br />3 aye s 0 nays 1 abstention Motion Carried <br />Councilmember Quick abstained from the vote, and it <br />was the concensus of the Council. prior to the vote <br />that he could abstain. <br />Park and Rec Director 5aarion reported Mounds'Vi.ew 23. Staff Report <br />had received a Celebrate Minnesota grant for the <br />picnic shelter at Silver View Park. She explained <br />what the project is, and added that further infor- <br />matian will be forthcoming shortly. <br />Councilmember Blanchard had no report. 24. Reports o.£ <br />Counclmembers: <br />Councilmember <br />Blanchard <br />Councilmember wuori reported she was asked to remind Councilmember <br />the Council and Staff of the science fair at Pine- Wuori <br />wood Elementary School this Thursday. Judges are <br />needed. <br />Councilmember Quick. reported he had been advised by Councilmember <br />a resident of poor audio coverage of the cable cast Quick <br />of Council meetings, specifically with coughing and <br />other noises overxding the conversation going on. <br />Motion/Second; Quick/Hankner to direct Staff to <br />look into the problem and report back to the Council <br />on possible corrections at the earliest possible <br />time. <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />