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Mounds View City Council March 27, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />. Mayor Hankner reported she had received a call from <br />the editor of the New Brighton Bulletin concerning <br />the change in the City's official newspaper. She <br />stated the Council should set up criteria for <br />evaluating the newspaper used, and also to be able <br />to tell the newspapers what the City wants. <br />Concerns expressed by the Council included timeliness <br />of the news that is printed, availability to the <br />citizens, i.e., circulation, accuracy of the articles, <br />and equal front page space. <br /> <br />Mayor Hankner suggested putting something in the <br />newsletter asking people if they get the newspaper. <br />Councilrnember Quick suggested Staff could monitor the <br />articles for accuracy. <br />Glenda Mitzell, 2458 County Road I, suggested putting <br />a ballot in the City newsletter, letting people vote <br />on what they would prefer. She also questioned if <br />there was a charge for having public notices published. <br />Clerk/Administrator Paisley replied the City spends a <br />few thousand dollars a year in fees for public notices. <br />• Motion/Second: Hankner/Quick to direct Staff to <br />develop an evaluation measure of the designated <br />newspaper, to include timeliness, availability to the <br />citizens, amd'.survey 25 households per quarter, and <br />notices in newsletters, accuracy of the articles, and <br />equal front page space. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Karney had no report. <br />Public Works~D,rector Minetor explained that due to <br />miscommunication with SEH on the zoning map, they <br />did not realize the extent of the work the City would <br />like done in updating its map, and the estimate now <br />is 10 working days and $5,000, which. is considerably <br />more than was originally planned. SEH has proposed <br />two options, one being an overlay to go over the <br />existing map, or a manual update. The cost difference <br />is $900 and 2 days, versus $5,000 and 10 days. He <br />advised if the City could wait until the storm water <br />management .plan base map is done, the address update <br />14. Discussion of <br />an Evaluation <br />of the City's <br />Official <br />Newspaper <br />Motion Carried <br />15. Report of <br />Attorney <br />16. Report of <br />Staff Members <br />• could be done at the same time. <br />