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Mounds View City Council April 10, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained the Planning 16. First <br />Commission and City Council have been working with a Reading of <br />consultant on an update to the City's comprehensive Ordinance <br />land use plan, and the Planning Commission and Council No. 466 <br />are working together to rewrite the plan to incorpo- <br />rate the changes and they are recommending a moritorium <br />of any further development along Highway 10 from <br />County Road I to the western border of the City, until <br />the final .changes have been made and adopted. <br />He explained Attorney Karney had prepared proposed <br />Ordinance No. 466, which places development restric- <br />tions for that area for 12 months, which could be <br />extended for an additional 6 months if necessary. He <br />explained this would prevent any new development pro- <br />posals as well as the issuance of building permits <br />along that section of Highway 10. <br />Mayor Hankner explained. the Planning Commission and <br />City Council have been meeting regularly, to review <br />the comp plan. They have focused on the'Highway 10 <br />corridor and are looking for a more reasonable way to <br />allow for development. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Blanchard to approve the <br />. first reading of Ordinance No. 466, an interim <br />ordinance amending the Mounds View'City code esta- <br />blishing development restrictions along Highway 10 <br />from County Road I to the western border of the City, <br />and waive the reading. <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed the 40 acres of land the 17. Report of <br />City is receiving from the SYSCO development, as a Attorney <br />park dedication, and he questioned whether the City <br />would be getting a copy of the Westwood Engineering <br />report on the property. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained this was platted <br />as an outlot and then deeded to the City. <br />Public Works Director Minetor stated the City would be <br />receiving a copy of Westwood's report. It is not <br />certain soil borings were done in that area. Public <br />Works Director Minetor will be exploring opportunities <br />for the development of that land and funding for it. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley noted it is federally <br />protected wetland, and they need to see if anything <br />• can be done. He added it will require detail <br />coordination. <br />There were no reports of Staff members. 18. Reports of <br />Staff Members <br />