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Mounds View City Council May 8, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />--------------------------------------------------------------®--___®®®m®® <br />.Clerk/Administrtor Pauley explained the City would <br />be happy to be the first suburb with a plastic ban, <br />but the Minneapolis and St. Paul laws might become <br />uninforceable very quickly, as they are more restric- <br />tive than the State laws, so they will have to wait <br />and see what the Legislature does. <br />He explained no County funds are available for the <br />plastic containers, and if the City used money out <br />of the general fund, or took payment from residents, <br />they world still have to purchase a specific number. <br />which would be taking a risk. He stated the recycling <br />program is funded entirely out of the County, using <br />the waste management fee from property taxes. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley stated the cash recycling <br />bonus offered in other cities has not been successful. <br />He added 'people should be writing letters to the U.S. <br />Congress, as there is a law which makes use of virgin <br />paper more profitable than the use of recycled paper, <br />and he stated Congress must be urged to stop this <br />subsidy. He also updated the Council on the status <br />of recycling and recent developments, and their impact <br />on the City. He stated Mounds View would not be <br />stopping the program, even if it requires having Staff <br />~o the pick-up. <br />Motion/Second: Wuori/Paone to approve the consent <br />agenda, as presented. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley read the items on the <br />consent agenda. <br />Police Chief Ramacher reported the Lions Club had <br />presented the Police Department with a check for <br />$2,028, for the purchase of six new bullet proof <br />vests, and he thanked them for the contribution. <br />Police Chief. Ramacher reported a motorcyle rally <br />sponsored by the Minnesota Motorcycle Riders <br />Association will be held on June 11 and will be <br />gathering in the parking lot at Loose Ends, and <br />then travel to Cambridge. He explained this is <br />a charity event which has been held in the past. <br />Police Chief Ramacher reported the new officer has <br />completed the first phase of training and has been <br />~n the job for two months. He is now in the second <br />phase of training. The Reserve unit will be losing <br />a member, who is going to the city of Richfield as <br />a police officer. Chief Ramacher expressed appre- <br />ciation for the amount of service given, and he <br />8. Approval of <br />Consent Agenda <br />Motion Carried <br />9. First Quarter <br />1989 Department <br />Head Reports <br />