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DATE APPROVED 5/22/89 <br />.~ PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Regular Meeting <br />May 8, 1989 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />2401 Hwy. 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />The Mounds View City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Hankner at 7:02 PM on Monday,May 8, 1989. <br />The Pledge of Allegiance was said. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers Blanchard, Wuori, <br />Paone, Quick and Mayor Hankner. <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Karney and Clerk/ <br />Administrator Pauley. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Quick to table approval of <br />• the April 24, 1989 minutes to May 22, 1989, due to <br />the busy schedule for the meeting this evening. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Park and Rec Director Saarion explained the Council <br />would be honoring students who participated in three <br />different activities this year, the floor hockey <br />team, jr./sr. bowling team, and the Lindy's gymnastics <br />team. She explained the three programs and what is <br />involved in each. The Lindy's gymnastic team placed <br />first in the State meet in Division 5, and she thanked <br />their coaches, Bob Lindberg, Kim Gloake and Julie <br />Nichols. The coach of the jr./sr.bowling league is <br />Carol Johnson, and the coach of the floor hockey team <br />is Renae Van Garp. Park Director Saarion also con- <br />gratulated the floor hockey team, for their champion- <br />ship at the State level. <br />Mayor Hankner stated all these team members are <br />champions in one way or another, and they are all very <br />important people to the future of the City and the <br />future of the State. Mayor Hankner presented certi- <br />ficates of commendation to the members of the teams, <br />as follows: Lindy's Gymnastics Team - Carrie Andres, <br />.Kathy Bowers, Kristin Bradley, Jenny Bradley, Jill <br />cattrysse, Ronnelle Dauenbaugh, Denise Dyer, Melissa <br />Hager, Kristin Hawes, Gina Hennen, Kristen Idhe, <br />1. Call to <br />Order <br />2. Pledge of <br />Allegiance <br />3. Roll Call <br />4. Approval of <br />Minutes: <br />April 24, 1989 <br />Motion Carried <br />5. Presentation <br />of Certifi- <br />cates of <br />Commendation <br />