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Mounds View City Council May 8, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting F Page Three <br />. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . . m a ® a . . M <br />The proposed project consists of approximately 18 <br />acres of land, and Mr. Nelson showed the location of <br />the property within the City, and how the buildings <br />would be placed on the property. There will be <br />three buildings, totaling 235.000 square feet. One <br />building will be started this summer, one by <br />January of 1990, and the last by January of 1991. <br />Mr. Nelson reviewed access to the property, the <br />planned exterior appearance of the buildings, as <br />well as the proposal for the wetland area. The <br />actual wetland is owned by the school district <br />and Everst Development is proposing to develop two <br />acres as a wildlife pond and nature trail. <br />Ron Peterson, of Westwood Engineering, explained <br />the business park likes partially within the 100' <br />wetland buffer zone, by about 1/10th of an acre. <br />and they have applied for the two required <br />permits, one for encroachment on the wetland and <br />the other for the proposed improvements. <br />Mr. Peterson explained the improvements would be a <br />combination of draining and filling, and they will <br />be enhancing the wetland. All the material <br />• removed will be used for construction of the trail, <br />and any excess will be used in landscaping. He <br />reviewed the requirements of the Mounds View wetland <br />ordinance and how this proposal meets those require= <br />ments. He also stated the wetland pond would be deep <br />enough to be ground water filled. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained the Environ- <br />mental Quality Task Force (EQTF) will be reviewing <br />this proposal again at their May 16 meeting, and <br />they anticipate making a recommendation to the <br />Council then. The Planning Commission will be <br />meeting on May 17 and they plan to make a recommen- <br />dation to the Council ata that time. The City has <br />received the report from Barr Engineering and the <br />Council has been given copies. <br />Kathy Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road. asked if the recycling 7. Residents <br />program had plastic containers available, if they Requests and <br />had considered awarding a prize for recycling, to Comments from <br />encourage participation, whether Mounds View had the Floor <br />given any thought to a ban on plastic packaging <br />within the City, similar to what Minneapolis and <br />St. Paul are doing. She also .stated recycled <br />• paper is not used by the people who generate the <br />most paper, and she wrote to the newspaper last <br />week concerning that. <br />