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Mounds View City Council June 12, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Fifteen <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened 13. Public Hearing: <br />the next public hearing at 10:19 PM. Renewal of <br />Liquor License <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley reported Loose Ends on 10 for Loose Ends <br />is currently in arrears on payment of utility bills on 10 <br />in the amount of $2,041.28, and delinquent in pro- <br />perty taxes in the amount of $26,105.98 for 1988. <br />He reported he had received a call from the <br />applicant's attorney who advised him they had filed <br />for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last fall and stated that <br />being in arrears could not be a reason for not <br />granting the license. <br />A Sunday inspection has been done, and Ramsey County <br />will be doing another health inspection. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley recommended the renewal <br />of the license conditioned upon payment of past due <br />utility and property tax bills by June 30, unless <br />determined to be prevented by law by the City <br />Attorney. <br />Attorney Karney advised he and the applicant's <br />attorney had missed phone calls, and that he did <br />not know of the issue until this evening and he <br />• will have to research it and will have an answer <br />yet this week. <br />Steve Hauck, one of the owners, stated it was not <br />their idea to avoid paying taxes, but rather a <br />bankruptcy law, and they would like to have the <br />license granted contingent upon paying off the <br />property taxes on a time payment plan. <br />Attorney Karney advised only one law can take <br />precedence, and he recommended the City not grant <br />the license if the State law takes precedence over <br />the bankruptcy laws. <br />Mayor Hankner closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 10:25 PM. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Quick to direct the City <br />Attorney to research Chapter 11 filing laws to see <br />whether Federal law takes precedence, i.e., back <br />property taxes and utility billings, and report <br />back to the Council. <br />4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />• Mayor Hankner closed the regular meetng and <br />the next public hearing at 10:26 PM. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley reported B and R <br />is in arrears on the payment of utility bil <br />in the amount of $224.22, and Ramsey County <br />opened 14. Public Hearing: <br />Renewal of <br />Liquor License <br />Liquor for B and R <br />lings Liquor <br />Property <br />