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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />l\IOUN'DS VIE\V PLAl\'l\'ING COMMISSION <br />RESOLUTION NO. 681-01 <br /> <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIE\V <br />COUNTY OF RAl\'lSEY <br />STATE OF l\I1NNESOTA <br /> <br />IU~SOLUTION ESTABLISHING PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATES <br />AND APPLICANT SUBMISSION SCHEDULE DATES FOR YEAR 2002 <br /> <br />\VHEREAS, the Mounds View Planning Commission will be holding two <br />business mcetings per month during the year 2002; and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, developers, citizcns or other interested parties should be adviscd of <br />deadlines for materials used by staff to prcpare reports used by the Planning <br />Commissioners to decide on a particular development issue; and, <br /> <br />\VHEREAS, a display of meeting dates and submission deadline dates should be <br />established to provide an orderly system for use by the Planning Commission, staff and <br />general public. <br /> <br />NO\V. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of <br />the City of :Ylounds Vicw establishes meeting and submission timetable dates setting <br />deadlines for submission of materials for agenda sessions of the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Exhibit A, attached hereto, becomcs an <br />integral part of this resolution. <br /> <br />BE IT FI~ALL Y RESOLVED that if the Planning Commission is required to or <br />desires to hold spccial or emergency meetings, thcy will do so in accordance with State <br />law, Code requirements and its Bylaws. <br /> <br />Adopted this 19th day of December, 200 I. <br /> <br />L1~/ /~~~~ <br />).€11n Millcr, Acting Chairperson <br /> <br />ATTEST <br /> <br />"".' ,.\.\A.>,.....') f'-~\2...LLA-Or\ <br />.--- <br />James Ericson, Community Developmcnt Director <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />(y., ),\ r..\-< iROII'S'lO~IDE \"I'L.'\N(,O~lJ\,I'.R~,. 1181..1.1 I - 2()02 J\,k~lillg Daks.tlLl': <br />