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Mounds View City Council July 24, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Mayor Hankner reviewed the list she had prepared for <br />the June 12 meeting, showing the numerous times this <br />issue was discused by the Council or various <br />Commissions of the City. <br />Bill Buckingham, 5220 Greenfield Avenue, pointed out <br />the developer has previously stated the extension <br />is not critical to the development, and there are <br />two entrances and exits already proposed. He ques- <br />tioned whether the City would still consider the <br />extension if the School District says they do not <br />want to give up their property. <br />Mr. Minetor replied the City would have two options <br />available if the School District determines they do <br />not want to donate their property. The City could <br />choose not to do it, or pursue condemnation action. <br />Mr. Buckingham questioned whether the City was <br />being premature in taking action before knowing <br />what the School District is going to do. <br />Mr. Minetor explained he had attended the School <br />Board meeting, and they do not want to take action <br />until the City decides to go ahead, and that based <br />. on that, someone needs to make a decision. <br />Mr.Buckingham questioned whether it would be practical <br />to restrict the road to any vehicles other than <br />public safety vehicles. <br />Mr. Minetor explained the <br />want to see any barricade <br />including crash barricade <br />viable consideration. He <br />MSA street., which must be <br />receives $12,238 from the <br />section of roadway. <br />Fire Department does not <br />that takes time to remove, <br />s, so a barrier was not a <br />also pointed out this is an <br />a through street. The City <br />State annually for that <br />Wally Steiner, 5220 O'Connell Drive, questioned how <br />much school property would be needed for the road. <br />Mr. Minetor replied 33', to bring the right-of-way <br />width up to standard. <br />Mr. Steiner questioned the calculations, stating he <br />thought 33' would take the road into the ball <br />diamond. He added he does not like the idea of <br />anything being done to the wetland and he likes the <br />area the way it is. He pointed out a petition had <br />been presented earlier from people who do not want <br />to see Woodale extended or widened or the wetland <br />changed. He stated he does not mind the development, <br />but wants the road and wetland left as is. <br />