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Mounds View City Council July <br />Regular Meeting Page <br />Bill Frits, 8072 Long Lake Road, stated the offer was <br />made by the Lions Club contingent upon the City putting <br />in the utilities, and he questioned who would be doing <br />the site preparation work, stating that he had been <br />told the City crew would do it. <br />Mayor Hankner reviewed the letter she had received <br />some time ago from the Lions Club and read from <br />portions of it. She stated it may have been implied <br />but it has never been stated. <br />Dave Radermacher, 7421 Parkview Drive, questioned who <br />would have committed City resources for site prepara- <br />tion. <br />Ms. Saarion explained that was part of the original <br />grant preparation. <br />Debbie Jones, 7405 Parkview Drive, referred to a <br />letter to the editor in the July 12 issue of the New <br />Brighton Bulletin, stating she interpreted it to <br />read that the City has received $75,000 from the <br />Lions Club to do whatever they feel is best. She <br />added the two parties, the Lions Club and the City, <br />should be able to work together. <br />Mr. Linke stated the Lions Club needs a decision. <br />Mr. Mielke stated he wasn't sure this was a donation <br />any longer. and he feels instead that the Lions Club <br />is trying to set City policy. <br />Savri Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, stated he was confused <br />as to whose shelter this is, and who is helping who. <br />He stated it should be the City's shelter, and the <br />Lions Club should be more willing to adjust, and <br />they should not dictate to the City. <br />Carol Golden, 7471 Parkview Drive, asked who will pay <br />the difference in the price of the actual building. <br />Mr. Linke replied they are in the process of redesign- <br />ing the building and hope to cut the cost. <br />Mr. Frits stated the Lions Club needs a commitment <br />from the City. as to whether the City will provide <br />the needed utilities, and they do not want one half <br />way. He stated that if a commitment is not made one <br />way or the other, no building will be built. <br />Gary Jones, 7405 Parkview Drive. stated this is policy <br />setting by the Lions Club, and the City either has to <br />do it their way or they will take their money and leave. <br />He pointed out they are not leaving the decision up to <br />the citizens or Council. <br />24. 1989 <br />Thirteen <br />