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founds View City Council July 24, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Fourteen <br />Mayor Hankner stated she had gotten the impression <br />from the Lions Club that they are split in their <br />direction as well. <br />Ms. Saarion suggesting forming a committee from the <br />Lions Club. City Council and residents to work <br />together to redesign the park shelter building to make <br />everyone happy. <br />Mayor Hankner replied they are working under time <br />constraints and she didn't feel there was time for <br />that at this point. <br />Mr. Ayaz pointed out that between the Lions Club and <br />the City of Mounds .View, there is $91,500 total to <br />work with, and he felt they could construct a shelter <br />with utilities for that amount. <br />Attorney Karney advised that when land was condemned 22. Report of <br />from Bob Waste for the Mounds View Business Park North Attorney <br />development. Mr. Waste was paid $99,900, and after <br />arbitration, the value has been determined to be <br />$110,040. Mr. Waste did appeal that figure but has <br />dropped his appeal now. <br />• Motion/Second: Wuori/Paone to approve payment of <br />$10,000 to settle the condemnation of the Robert and <br />Rita Waste property, to be paid from the Mounds View <br />Business Park tax increment fund. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Hankner to approve payment of <br />an additional $100 to bring the total payment for <br />condemnation of the Robert and Rita Waste property <br />to $110,000, to be paid from the Mounds View Business <br />Park tax increment fund. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Ms. Hren passed out sign-up sheets for volunteers for <br />the household hazardous waste day to be held in <br />September. <br />Ms. Hren updated the Council on the status of the <br />curbside recycling program. noting that tonnage picked <br />up has greatly increased. <br />Ms. Hren reported on the regulator reliever airport <br />advisory group meeting she had attended. They are <br />still in the organization process and will meet <br />again later in August. <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />23. Reports of <br />Staff Members <br />