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-_ <br />Mounds View City Council September <br />Re ular Meetin Page Three <br />g g <br />------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />• Mayor Hankner closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 7:18 PM. <br />Motion/Second: Wuori/Quick to approve the consent <br />agenda, as amended, and waive the reading of the <br />resolutions. <br />5 ayes O nays <br />Dr. George Realmuto, of the University of Minnesota <br />School of Medicine, Department of Child and Adole- <br />scent Psychiatry, distributed a synopsis of the study <br />he hopes to publish on the role of City government <br />in psychological relief services, related to the <br />Williams Pipeline disaster. Dr. Realmuto made a <br />slide presentation and reviewed the analysis of City <br />governments role in a disaster of this type, as well <br />as the findings of the door to door survey that was <br />done after the disaster. <br />The Council thanked Dr. Realmuto for his time and <br />making the presentation. <br />. Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened <br />the third public hearing at 8:02 PM. <br />Mod Feders, of Buetow and Associates, architects <br />for the library, presented a scale model of the pro- <br />posed library, and he reviewed the site plan and <br />proposed parking, landscaping, building construction <br />and layout. <br />Grace Berry, no address given, asked if any of the <br />library property is optional for sale for something <br />else. <br />Mr. Feders responded it belongs to the County and is <br />planned for the future expansion of the library. <br />Carol Zolinski, of Groveland Avenue, extended her <br />thanks to everyone who has worked so hard to get the <br />library in Mounds View.. <br />County Commissioner Duane McCarty reviewed the <br />history of getting the library in Mounds View. <br />25, 1989 <br />8. Approval of <br />Consent Agenda <br />Motion Carried <br />9. Presentation <br />of Williams <br />Pipeline <br />Disaster Study <br />10. Public Hearing: <br />Ramsey County <br />Library <br />Conditional <br />Use Permit for <br />Branch Library <br />Mayor Hankner closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 8:17 PM. <br />• <br />