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Mounds View City Council September 25, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Nine <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />Ms. Hren updated the Council on the status of the 25. Consideration <br />Taco Bell restaurant. The building is complete and of Staff Memo <br />the necessary approvals have been received. Regarding Taco <br />Bell Certificate <br />Motion/Second: wuori/Quick to approve the issuance of Occupancy <br />of a certificate of occupancy for Taco Bell, 2219 <br />Highway 10. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Karney reviewed the history of the business 28. Report of <br />condominium arrangement between Taco Bell and Kentucky Attorney <br />Fried Chicken, which are owned by the same parent <br />company. He stated he has not seen the final agreement <br />yet and understands it has not been signed yet but is <br />in the works. He explained Kentucky Fried Chicken is <br />requesting additional time to get the agreement worked <br />out, but they would like to begin construction now and <br />are requesting a building permit. <br />Mr. Karney advised the Council could approve issuing <br />the building permit, contingent upon them holding the <br />City harmless if they begin construction and then the <br />City finds the condominium agreement is not acceptable. <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Hankner that the building permit <br />for Kentucky Fried Chicken can be issued, contingent <br />upon approval of the condominium agreement, and enter- <br />ing into a hold harmless agreement, and the certificate <br />of occupancy and restaurant license can be held until <br />the agreement has been entered into. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mr. Ramacher asked Council approval of the purchase 27. Report of <br />of a 1989 Blazer, to replace the 1982 unmarked squad Staff <br />car. The '82 will be traded in and be considered Members <br />the down payment, with full payment then due on or <br />about January 2, 1990. He explained this is a <br />budgeted item for 1990. <br />Motion/Second: Quick/Paone to approve the purchase <br />of the 1989 Blazer, from Polar Chevrolet, in the <br />amount of $14,490, with $4,490 to be transferred <br />from the Police budget to the equipment fund. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Ms. Saarion reported the Silver View Park picnic <br />• shelter committee met earlier in the evening and <br />approved the specs for the shelter. They hope to <br />send them out on September 29, with bids to be <br />opened October 13. <br />