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Mounds iew City Council November 13, 1989 <br />Regular'Meeting Page Three <br />• Motion/second: Hankner/Quick to set a public hearing <br />on Ordinance No. 481 amending Chapter 48 of the <br />Municip l Code entitled "Wetland Zoning Ordinance" <br />for 7:0 PM on December 4, 1989. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Counci ember Quick asked that any action or setting <br />of hea ''ngs on Item 5 be tabled until the next <br />regular agenda session, to allow time to discuss <br />the is e. <br />Clerk/'dministrator Pauley pointed out this is only <br />settin' the public hearing, and the individual has <br />the ri ht to be heard. He added it might be considered <br />arbitrary and capricious to not grant a hearing date <br />at thi time. The item will be on the agenda session <br />agenda !for next week. <br />Motion'Second: Panne/Blanchard to set a public <br />hearin' on the request from Donald Anderson, 8280 <br />Long L'ke Road, for rezoning from R-1, single family <br />residential, to R-2, single and two family resi- <br />dentia for 7:10 PM on November 27, 1989. <br /> 5 ayes ' 0 nays Motion Carried <br />• <br /> Mayor ankner closed the regular meeting and opened 7. Public Hearing: <br /> the fi st public hearing at 7:24 PM. Consideration <br /> of Request for <br /> City P lanner Hren reported a correct map did go out Wetland Altera- <br /> to the residents. She reviewed the request of the tion Permit for <br /> appli nt for a wetlands alteration permit to build Khosrow <br /> a kit en and garage addition onto his home, which Daivairi, 7028 <br /> is in he wetland buffer zone. She noted the Knollwood Drive <br /> drive y is shared with a neighbor, and the easement <br /> agree nt must be recorded with Ramsey County. <br /> It wa noted the applicant, Khosrow Daivari, was not <br /> prese t. <br /> Mayor Hankner reported they are in the process of <br /> revis ng the wetland ordinance so that this type of <br /> appro al is .not needed in the future. <br /> Mayor Hankner closed the public hearing and reopened <br /> the r gular meeting at 7:27 PM. <br /> Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened 8. Public Hearing: <br /> the s cond public hearing at 7:27 PM. Presentation of <br /> Results of <br /> Silver View Pond <br /> Management Study <br />