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Mounds iew ity Council November 13, 1989 <br />Regular Meet'ng Page Eight <br />• actual ~ccid~nts or incidents, not just the squealing <br />of tine <br />Mayor H nkne requested that a 12 month evaluation be <br />added to the development agreement. ' <br />There as di cussion on whether the City could make <br />Hardee jump through hoops in setting operating hours, <br />and if it wo ld be arbitrary and capricious to require <br />differ nt ho rs of them than of similar businesses in <br />the Ci y wit the same zoning. <br />A repr senta ive from Hardees reported the Planning <br />Commis ion s ggested Hardees set their hours as <br />busine s dic ates, with the Council to review in 12 <br />months <br />The ma orit of the Council agreed the City needs to <br />give H rdee the opportunity to set their own hours <br />and ei her rove or disprove problems, with a review <br />to be one n July 31. The criteria to be considered <br />in the revi w is whether they create a public nuisance, <br />or any chan es to the public health, safety and welfare. <br />JoAnne Kole n, 2617 County Road I, asked if Burger <br />King o erat s 24 hours a day. <br />Attorney Ka ney reported they could, but they chose <br />to close. <br />Councilmemb r Wuori added Burger King discovered they <br />did n t hav enough volume, and it is their corporate <br />polic to c ose. <br />Mrs. ee, 7 45 Eastwood, stated that just because the <br />grope ty wa zoned that way for the past 20 years, does <br />not m an a estaurant was there. <br />It wa$ agreled the hours for delivery would be 6 AM to <br />8 PM. <br />The d~velo~ment agreement will require landscaping to <br />be ma ntai ed, including a fence, if it is required. <br />Mr. S'ncla'r stated they would like the landscaping <br />to re ain s it is proposed. The proposed plantings <br />would be e ergreens, which would provide year-round <br />cover. <br />There was iscussion on the height of a fence, and <br />policing c ncerns. The majority of the Council agreed <br />to requiri g a fence on the inside of the berm, <br />dire tly a jacent to the drive lane, to policing heights. <br />