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~lounds~View City Council November 27, 1989 <br />Regula Meeting Page Eight <br />• Motion Second: Quick/Wuori to approve the request <br />for in tallation of streetlights between County Road <br />I and illview, on Long Lake Road, with the final <br />determ nation of location to be made by NSP. <br />4 aye s 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Ms. Sa rion presented samples to the Council of 20. Consideration <br />recycl paper that is available for the City news- of Bids for <br />letter.. 1990 <br /> Newletter <br />Clerk/ ministrator Pauley stated it is clearly in Printing <br />the bu et, and is cheaper than what the City has Contract <br />been p ing for the present newsletter for non- <br />recycl paper, and it also meets the goals of <br />the Co cil for concern with the community and <br />enviro ent. <br />Motion econd: Wuori/Hankner to accept bid #3 <br />from N trom Publishing, for doing the entire <br />newsle er on recycled paper, with the cover <br />being mi-glossy, at a cost of $14,597.44. <br />4 ayes ~'i~ 0 nays <br />• Mr. Ka ey reported he had met with the attorneys <br />for Ha ees and the developer and reviewed changes <br />sugges d by both sides to the development agreement. <br />Mayor nkner questioned why none of the changes <br />were s gested two weeks ago when they met to work <br />on the evelopment agreement. <br />Clerk/ .ministrator Pauley stated the City typically <br />does no change a development agreement at the <br />request of a developer. <br />Ted Ros , no address given, asked if Burger King <br />had req ested any changes at the time of their <br />develop ent agreement. <br />Clerk/A ministrator Pauley replied the attorneys <br />from th it corporate office spent a good deal of <br />time re iewing it but they did agree with the <br />City's ording. He noted if the Council starts <br />making hanges, all types will be requested. <br />Motion/ econd: Paone/Wuori to authorize Attorney <br />Karney o bring the development agreement back to <br />• Hardees with the only change being that proposed by <br />Attorne' Karney in paragraph 1. <br />Motion Carried <br />21. Report of <br />Attorney <br />4 ayes ~~~ 0 nays Motion Carried <br />