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<br />est 21B.00 feet of Lot 35
<br />,Point of Beginning)
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<br />EXHIBIT 1. Proposed Lot Line Adj
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<br />Boundary Exhibit for:
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<br />House Address: 8265 Spring Lake Road
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<br />That port of the North 100.00 feet of the South 127.00 feet of the West 218.00
<br />feet of Lot 35, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 89, according to the recorded plot
<br />thereof. Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the following described line:
<br />Beginning at the southwest comer of said North 100.00 feet of the South 127.00
<br />feet of the West 218.00 feet of Lot 35; thence northeasterly to the east line of
<br />said West 218.00 feet, distant 8.00 feet north of the southeast comer of said
<br />North 100.00 feet of the South 127.00 feet of the West 218.00 feet, ond said line
<br />there terminating.
<br />
<br />Said areo contains :1.::872 Square Feet.
<br />
<br />Bearings shown are assumed
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<br />203335.01 TRB f1281l
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