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Resolution .906-0� <br />Page 7_ <br />f. Adequate off-street loading and seroice entrances are provided and regulated <br />where applicable by Chapter 1122 of this Title. <br />g. The provisions of Section 1125.01, subdivision 1e of this Title are considered and <br />satisfactorily met. (Ord. 590, 11-25-96) <br />Subd. 8. Day care center or qroup nurserv operatinq in a public or semi-public recreational <br />buildinq, neighborhood or community center, public and private educational institution limited <br />to elementary iunior hiqh and senior hiqh schools, and religious institutions, such as <br />churches, chapels, temples and svnaqopues; provided, that: <br />a. No overnicaht facilities are provided for the children served. Children are delivered <br />and removed from the facilitv dailv. <br />b. Not �ess than fortv (401 square feet of outside play space per child shall be <br />provided and that such space be suitablv fenced and/or screened in accordance with <br />conditions as specified by the City Council. <br />c. Adequate off-street parkinp and access is provided in compliance with Chaater <br />1121 of this Title. <br />d. Adeauate off-street loadinq and service entrances are provided in compliance with <br />Chapter 1122 of this Title. <br />e. The site and related parkinq and service entrances shall be served bv an arterial <br />or collector street of sufficient capacitv to accommodate the traffic which will be <br />generated. <br />f. All siqninq and informational or visual communication devices shall be in <br />compliance with the Mounds View Siqn Code. <br />g. The provisions of Section 1125.01, subdivision 1e of this Title pertaininq to <br />adverse effects, are considered and satisfactorilv met. <br />h. The distance between anv outdoor play yard for a day care center or proup <br />nurserv and the Hiqhwav 10 riaht-of-wav line shall be a minimum of two hundred feet <br />(200'), except as provided in Section 1123.02, subdivision 1c. <br />i. No dav care center or qroup nurserv shall be permitted where the distance from <br />the property line for the day care center or qroup nurserv to a premise requirinq a <br />liquor license, as provided in Section 502 of the Municipal Code, or a license for an <br />adult establishment, as provided in Section 513 of the Municipal Code, is five hundred <br />feet (500') or less, except that the five hundred (500) foot requirement shall not apply <br />to anv liauor establishment receivinq at least sixty percent (60%) of its annual qross <br />sales revenue from the sale of food. <br />