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Resolution 1037-15 <br />Page 2 <br />Subd. 3. Location: <br />a. Except as provided in subdivision 2 above, fences not to exceed forty eight <br />inches (48") in height may be located on any part of a lot. Fences not to exceed <br />ninety six inches (96") in height may be erected on any part of a lot behind the front <br />line of the principal building. The City Council may require or approve fencing up to <br />ninety six inches (96") in height in a front yard to satisfy a buffer or screening <br />condition of a development review or conditional use permit. (Ord. 658, 8-14-00) <br />b. A fence or retaining wall shall be installed on the applicant's property. The fence <br />or retaining wall shall not be installed directly over the property line but shall not <br />otherwise be subject to a setback requirement, except as provided in <br />Subdivision 3c below. (Ord. 773, 8-14-06). <br />c. Fences on corner lots whose side vard abuts a roadway may be 6 feet in <br />heiqht beqinninq at the front buildinq line of the principle structure. <br />d. Fences abuttinq a roadwav must have a minimum 1-foot setback from the <br />property line. <br />Subd. 4. Landscaping Required: In all zoning districts, the lot area remaining after <br />providing for off-street parking, off-street loading, sidewalks, driveway, building site <br />and/or other requirements shall be planted and maintained in grass, sodding, <br />shrubs or other acceptable vegetation or treatment generally used in landscaping. <br />The requirements of Chapter 1127.05 must be met for all new developments in the <br />R-3, R-4, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, I-1 and PUD districts. (Amended, Ord. 785,12-10-07) <br />Subd. 5. SurFace of Fences: Any fence shall be so constructed that the surface facing <br />adjoining properties or public rights of way shall be of finished construction. <br />Subd. 6. No fence or wall shall obstruct natural drainaqe. <br />Subd. 7. Fences on public and semi-public properties mav be erected in any yard to <br />a heiqht of eiqht (8) feet. <br />WHEREAS, amending the City Code to increase fence height on corner lots, <br />clarify that fences and walls shall not obstruct drainage and allow fences up to 8-feet tall <br />on public properties would better serve the public; and, <br />