Item # 5
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<br />Meeting Date: January 8, 2003
<br />7`ztle: ELECTIDIV �F" O�FIC�RS'
<br />,lnt�oductaono
<br />The Planning Co�nmission Bylaws and City Code require that the Planning Commission eiect officers
<br />annually at the first meeting of the year. The Commission has two "Officers"—the Chairperson and
<br />the Vice Chairperson, wha acts as the Chair in the event the Chair is unable to attend a meeting. The
<br />process is defined below.
<br />I)z,�cus�aon e
<br />The chairperson shall invite nozninations from Planning Commission meznbers. After naminations
<br />have been received, the chairperson shall entertain a motion to close nominations. If such motion is
<br />made and passed, and more than one namination has been made, the chairperson shall distribute
<br />balio�s to the Commission merrzbers and each member shall wriie his or her selection on the baltot.
<br />The recozding secretary shall tally the ballots a.nd announce the nominee receiving the most votes. In
<br />the event of a tie, the recordi�g secretary shall announce the nominees tied in the voiing and balloting
<br />shail be repeated until an election occurs. If only one nomination has been received, the chairperson
<br />may conduct the voting by voice vote. If a majority of the members present vote in the affirmative for
<br />the nominee, the nominee shall be elected, The process shall be repeated for the Vice Chair.
<br />Ite�o�nr�endatio�a:
<br />As required by Code and Commission Bylaws, nominate and vote for the Chair and Vice Chair.
<br />,, , . ,
<br />Jarnes Ericson
<br />Community I�evelopment Direciar
<br />N:�DATAIGROUPSICOMDEV1Planning CommissionlPC Memos & Reports�2003 ${ection of Officers.doe
<br />