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Mounds View City Council December 13, 1999 <br />Regular Meeting Page 23 <br /> <br /> <br />Council Member Thomason stated she would move to postpone this item until it can be <br />discussed at a Work Session. She commented that the more she hears from staff, and particularly <br />since this is the first time this item has come before the Council, it appears that further <br />information is necessary. She indicated she had concerns that this construction would occur in a <br />buffer area. She pointed out that although she did not wish to deny a property owner the right to <br />build on their lot, she would prefer to postpone consideration, until further information is <br />provided, and the Council has the opportunity to discuss this matter at the next Work Session. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Thomason/Stigney. To Postpone Consideration of Resolution No. 5401, to <br />a Work Session Discussion, and Take the Matter Up at a City Council Meeting to Occur in the <br />Future. <br /> <br />Council Member Marty stated the proposed resolution indicates “Whereas the entirety of the <br />proposed house and portion of the proposed attached garage encroaches into the 100-foot buffer <br />area adjacent to the wetland.” He stated he was also concerned with regard to the buffer area, <br />adding that when he ran for office, he pledged to protect the wetlands and woodlands. <br /> <br />Jamie Sharp, the property owner stated the proposed structures will be 92 feet away from the <br />wetland. He indicated this proposal would not harm the wetland, wildlife or water quality in any <br />manner. He stated they have been attempting to obtain the Wetland Buffer Permit since August, <br />and if the Council holds this matter over until next year, they may not be able to begin <br />construction at that time. He indicated that after the ground freezes, it will cost more money to <br />construct the house, and are already paying interest while they wait. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp stated they have complied with everything that the City requires, and nothing in the <br />Staff Report indicates that they are harming the wetland in any way. He stated he could not <br />understand why a permit could not be issued. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated the Council must weigh all of the issues involved in this consideration. <br />He pointed out that as builder himself, he could appreciate the problems with regard to freeze <br />and frost however, the Council must take a broader view, as this discussion is interwoven with <br />other issues pertaining to Wetland Buffer Permits. He advised that regardless of the affects of <br />this particular proposal, these issues should be resolved at a Work Session. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp indicated that the Rice Creek Watershed District had approved this project, and they <br />are in charge of the wetland. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated he understood that wetland considerations are within the purview of the <br />Rice Creek Watershed District, however, the Wetland Buffer Permit variance is dictated by City <br />ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp stated he did not understand this. He reiterated that they have complied with <br />everything the City has asked of them. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated he could not speak for the Council, however, the Council must determine <br />what the entire intent of the wetland buffer process is for the City, and whether this is something <br />the City should maintain and consider, or if variances should continue to be granted. He <br />explained that every time a variance is granted, the ordinance is weakened. He commented that