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Mounds View City Council December 13, 1999 <br />Regular Meeting Page 25 <br /> <br />City Administrator Whiting stated the Long Term Financial Plan is essentially in the same form <br />that was proposed several weeks prior, and it has been reviewed by the Council. He indicated <br />two public hearings have been held with regard to the Plan, however, there has been no public <br />comment upon it. He explained that the ordinance is quite brief, and simply indicates that the <br />Plan is adopted. He advised that the purpose of adopting the Long Term Financial Plan as a part <br />of the City Charter, relates to concerns regarding the ability of the public to take an action <br />against a City commitment, and it is a formality of the Charter. He commented that he would <br />like to think that if Council comes across issues with the community, regarding any particular <br />aspect of the Plan, it will use its judgement at that time, however, staff recommends that the <br />Council proceed with this matter, and adopt Ordinance 645. <br /> <br />Finance Director Kessel stated Item G, Adopting the Year 2000 Budget and Property Tax Levy, <br />pertains to the General Fund, and the budget as originally prepared, with some changes that have <br />been discussed at the Council level. He indicated that Item H, Adopting the Year 2000 Budget <br />for Funds Other Than the General Fund, pertains to the Enterprise Funds, the Community <br />Center, and other miscellaneous funds of the City. He stated that after the Council adopts these <br />ordinances, he will have the updated books printed, and distribute this to the Council Members, <br />and the library. He indicated there would also be a public copy at City Hall. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Thomason/Marty. To Waive the Reading and Approve the Second <br />Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 645, an Ordinance Adopting the 1999 Long Term Financial <br />Plan. <br /> <br />Council Member Stigney stated he did not particularly support this item or the proposed budget <br />for the year 2000. <br /> <br /> Ayes – 3 Nays – 1 (Stigney) Motion carried. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin asked City Attorney Long if, in the interest of time, the Council could consider <br />all of the other budget resolutions simultaneously. <br /> <br />City Attorney Long advised that this would be acceptable. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated he would entertain a motion to approve Resolutions 5399, 5406 and <br />5405, dealing with all aspects of the year 2000 budgets. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Thomason/Marty. To Approve Resolution No. 5399, Adopting the 2000 <br />Property Tax Levy and General Fund Budget, Resolution No. 5406, Adopting the 2000 Budgets <br />for Funds Other than the General Fund, and Resolution No. 5405, Approving 1999 Transfers and <br />Budget Revisions. <br /> <br />Council Member Stigney reiterated that he did not support the proposed budget. <br /> <br /> Ayes – 3 Nays – 1 (Stigney) Motion carried. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin thanked Finance Director Kessel for his hard work on the City budget, <br />including his presentations at the last few meetings. He stated Finance Director Kessel had done <br />a fine job, and should be commended for this. Council Member Marty agreed. <br />