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Mounds View City Council December 13, 1999 <br />Regular Meeting Page 29 <br /> <br />M. First Reading (Introduction) of Ordinance 646, an Ordinance Amending <br />Title 400, Chapter 405, Related to Parks and Recreation Commission Terms <br />and Vacancies. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated this item is to bring the rotation schedule of commission terms back into <br />synchronization. He indicated there were nine members on the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission, and five seats would expire this year. He advised that this amendment would allow <br />for three terms to expire in any given year, and provide that a large number terms will not expire <br />simultaneously. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Marty/Thomason. To Waive the Reading and Approve the First Reading <br />of Ordinance 646, and Ordinance Amending Title 400, Chapter 405 of the Mounds View <br />Municipal Code by Amending Section 405.03, Subd. 1 as to the Term of Office for Members of <br />the Parks and Recreation Commission. <br /> <br /> Ayes – 4 Nays – 0 Motion carried. <br /> <br />N. First Reading (Introduction) of Ordinance 647, an Ordinance Amending <br />Title 300, Chapters 301-309, Related to Personnel Regulations. <br /> <br />City Administrator Whiting stated this item corresponds to the resolution approving the <br />Personnel Policies Manual. He stated some of the policies are reflected in the ordinance and <br />require to be dealt with. He requested City Attorney Long address this item. <br /> <br />City Attorney Long stated the decision was made that the City would establish a Personnel <br />Policy by resolution, that could be amended by resolution from time to time. He stated that <br />through the approval of the corresponding resolution earlier in the meeting, this item moves <br />forward to delete all of the provisions in the ordinance, and leaves only the new language which <br />indicates “The Council shall establish by resolution, a uniform and equitable system of personnel <br />administration by resolution for employees of the Municipality, which may be revised as <br />necessary by amendments to such personnel policy resolution.” He advised that this is a typical <br />manner in which to accomplish this, to provide that cities do not have to continually amend <br />ordinances to address changes in State and Federal regulations. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Thomason/Marty. To Waive the Reading and Approve the First Reading <br />of Ordinance No. 647, and Ordinance Relating to Personnel Regulations and Amending Title <br />300 by Deleting Title 300 in its Entirety and by Creating a New Title 300 and Adding a New <br />Section 301.01 in the Mounds View Municipal Code. <br /> <br />Council Member Stigney stated he supports the first reading of this ordinance, as it merely <br />removes this matter from the Code as an ordinance, and sets it off separately as a resolution for <br />personnel policies. He stated he disagreed with the policies themselves, however, he does agree <br />that they can be removed from the Code as ordinances. <br /> <br /> Ayes – 4 Nays – 0 Motion carried. <br /> <br />O. Review of Ordinance 648, an Ordinance Amending the Charter, Section 3.01, <br />Related to the Calling of Special Meetings by the Mayor and City Council. <br />