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Mounds View Planning Commission January 10, 2007 <br />Regular Meeting Page 9 <br />________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Chair Stevenson stated that if the Commission never sees anything for building and the intention <br />is for green space and they would really like to sell parcel B and the rest would be attached to <br />the church and there was never talk of a hi rise building, he does not see a problem at all. He <br />indicated it would get property off the church’s tax base and it is a very sellable 16,000 square <br />foot space, but in the back of his mind, he does not know what their intentions are. Chair <br />Stevenson indicated he would like to know what the intentions are. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gunn stated this is what the Commission needs from the church in order to make <br />a better call on this situation. She stated that what Mr. Kunz just said separates it from the future <br />plans. <br /> <br />Mr. Kunz stated the church has always had their eye on that piece of property next to their <br />parking lot. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gunn stated the problem is this is not stated in the resolution and the Commission <br />knows the church is thinking about developing the property. She indicated that there is not <br />enough information to comfortably make a decision. She stated that even with the one year <br />stated it is not enough information. <br /> <br />Chair Stevenson entertained a motion to table this with the stipulation that it come back when the <br />purpose of parcel A and B are stated or parcel A be attached to the current church property. He <br />would like this tabled until the first Commission meeting in February unless the church agrees to <br />postpone the 60-day requirement. <br /> <br />Commissioner Miller mentioned that she does not know how far the church has taken their plans <br />for building. <br /> <br />Chair Stevenson stated this would be part of the development plan, but if the church comes back <br />and states it would like to add parcel A to the church as green space and sell parcel B as soon as <br />possible, the Commission would be looking at it differently. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Cramblit/Gunn, to table Resolution 858-07 a Resolution Recommending <br />approval of a minor subdivision of 8184 Eastwood Road requested by Abiding Savior Church; <br />Mounds View Planning Case No. MI06-002. <br /> <br /> Ayes – 7 Nays – 0 Motion carried. <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />7. Other Planning Activity <br /> <br />None <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Community Development Director Ericson asked the Commission to return to Items 3 B and C. <br />