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<br />Abiding Savior Subdivision Report <br />Jan 24, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Previous Meeting. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission considered this request at their meeting on January 10, 2007. <br />While not advertised as a public hearing, many members of the neighborhood attended to <br />voice their opinions regarding the proposed subdivision. The neighbors understood that the <br />subdivision request was separate from a proposed redevelopment of the property for a <br />housing project, yet remained opposed to the subdivision from a precedent-setting standpoint <br />and because it would be one step closer toward achieving the Church’s development vision. <br />Action on the request was tabled with direction given to the Church to clarify their intent <br />regarding the subdivided land referred to as Parcel A on the certificate of survey. On Friday, <br />January 12, 2007, staff received correspondence from Jerry Kunz, Abiding Savior’s Resource <br />and Development Commission’s Vice-Chairman, which reiterates their intent to subdivide <br />8184 Eastwood Road and enjoin the created lot to the Church’s property, regardless of the <br />outcome of the housing development application. Mr. Kunz’ correspondence is attached for <br />the Commission’s reference. <br /> <br />Park Dedication Requirements. <br /> <br />All subdivisions of land are subject to park dedication fee requirements. For subdivisions <br />which have no impact upon the park system (such as a lot line adjustment) the City Council <br />will ordinarily waive any dedication fee. In this case, the minor subdivision requested by the <br />Church would not likely cause any additional impact to the park system thus it would follow <br />that no dedication fee would be applied to the requested subdivision. If, on the other hand, <br />the potential exists for greater intensification of the subject area, the Council may at their <br />discretion impose a dedication fee. For most minor subdivisions, the dedication fee imposed <br />is usually five percent of the county assessed land value of the lot created. For major <br />subdivisions and projects which significantly intensify the existing development density, up to <br />a ten percent dedication fee may be imposed by the Council. If a five percent dedication fee <br />were imposed on this minor subdivision, the fee would be $1,875. The proposed housing <br />redevelopment would be subject to a park dedication fee. <br /> <br /> <br />Easements. <br /> <br />With every subdivision of land, the City requires that drainage and utility easements be <br />dedicated around the perimeter of the lot. In this case, if the City were to approve the <br />subdivision, easements would be required for Parcel B as follows: <br /> <br /> The north and south 5.0 feet and the east and west 10.0 feet of Parcel B <br /> <br />While easements may not be recorded via certificate of survey, staff would request that the <br />easements as described above be added to the certificate of survey with a notation that the <br />easements as shown will be dedicated separately by the property owner. <br />