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Mounds View Planning Commission January 10, 2007 <br />Regular Meeting Page 7 <br />________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />the lot, but if the church sells parcel B and cannot go forward with their plans and are stuck with <br />Parcel A, they are not going to give it back to who owns parcel B. He stated the church could be <br />looking at losing money. He believes the ramifications of doing the split now where it would be <br />hard for the church to back out. He stated there are ramifications that need to be considered <br />before a vote is taken. <br /> <br />Chair Stevenson replied that this is why the church is given one year to develop the lot; it will <br />revert to the original configuration. <br /> <br />Director Ericson stated the confusing thing is that the 16,000 square foot property and house <br />could not be sold without parcel A attached to it because at this point, the lot does not exist and <br />the deed has not been sealed to it. He explained the deed would not be sealed until something is <br />resolved. He stated his recommendation is that nothing occurs on this lot until there is some <br />action by the City Council with any kind of subsequent rezoning, comprehensive plan, or major <br />subdivision request. He appreciates all the comments and concerns by the residents and realizes <br />it is difficult for the Planning Commission to consider this request without looking at the future <br />plans of the church. He stated this may warrant tabling until the next meeting if additional <br />information is required. He stated that in terms of whether parcel B can be sold separately; only <br />after something is resolved with regard to this request. He stated it would not be advisable to sell <br />the property as the house and 16,000 square feet until there is resolution to the request by the <br />Planning Commission and the City Council. He explained that parcel A does not exist until the <br />City seals the new deeds and this will not be done until something occurs with the request. He <br />indicated there are other recommendations in the resolution. He stated the Planning Commission <br />could table this so there is no action until or in conjunction with other actions that are yet to be <br />accepted by the City. <br /> <br />Chair Stevenson stated that is the direction he is leaning towards. <br /> <br />Mr. Terry readdressed the Commission and stated this request needs to be looked at further and <br />to put it off until the complete plan is put forward. <br /> <br />Mr. Sikorski readdressed the Commission and asked what this allows Abiding Savior Lutheran <br />Church to do other than sell parcel B. He restated it is a precursor to selling the property to a <br />developer for condominiums or a large development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Lang asked Director Ericson what action would be required by Abiding Savior if <br />this were to go forward, to take parcel A and add it to the church parcel. <br /> <br />Director Ericson replied it is a paperwork process of a lot combination through Ramsey County, <br />tying the two properties together for tax purposes. He stated there is Minnesota State Statute <br />15.99 that requires the City take action within 60 days. He stated Staff could ask the church to <br />waive the 60-day requirement and bring it back to the next meeting. <br />