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<br />Olson Subd. Report <br />Sept 7, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Park Dedication Requirements <br /> <br />Every subdivision of land is subject to park dedication requirements. The City Code in Chapter <br />1202 indicates that up to 10 percent of the land value be dedicated to the City to help offset <br />future park impacts associated with the development of land. This subdivision will not result in <br />any additional dwelling units nor will it intensify development. In return for the deed restriction <br />and lot combination requirement as stated on the previous page, staff will recommend to the <br />City Council that no park dedication fees be applied to this subdivision. <br /> <br />Easements <br /> <br />With every subdivision of land, the City requires that drainage and utility easements be <br />dedicated around the perimeter of the lot. In December of 2001, the City approved a <br />subdivision of the land directly south of the subject property, and it was this subdivision that <br />created Mr. Olson’s lot at 2933 Oakwood Drive. Easements were taken around the periphery of <br />2933 Oakwood Drive and similar easements should be taken around the periphery of Tract D, <br />except at the south of Line of Tract D where it will be joined with Mr. Olson’s existing lot. <br />Because easements may not be dedicated on certificates of survey or registered land surveys, <br />dedication is accomplished by a separate document recorded at the same time the new deeds <br />are recorded. The survey however may show the location of these easements and bear text <br />stating essentially the following: <br /> <br />“The proposed public drainage and utility easements shown herein have <br />been dedicated by a separate document and recorded with Ramsey County.” <br /> <br />The Registered Land Survey should be revised to show the above text and to reflect proposed <br />10-foot public drainage and utility easement areas along the north, east, and west property lines <br />of Tract D. Staff will prepare these documents with descriptions provided by the applicant’s <br />surveyor. <br /> <br />Technical Issues <br /> <br />The Registered Land Survey has been sent to the City Attorney’s office for review and to the <br />City’s engineering technician and director of public works for consistency with the City’s <br />subdivision and utility needs. It has been pointed out to the applicant that it would be preferable <br />to have the west line of Tract D shifted to the west by approximately five feet to be consistent <br />with the north-south property line to the south. The Public Works department confirms that it <br />would prefer the shifted lot line if the subdivision is to move forward. Finally, the City Attorney <br />indicates the applicant will need to provide a Title Commitment for the parcel. <br /> <br />Public Comment <br /> <br />Minor subdivisions of land do not require or necessitate a public hear or notification. With <br />the proposed subdivision, no development would occur, even so, staff sent notices to the <br />adjoining property owners so that they would be aware of the proposal. <br /> <br />
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