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<br />Medtronic Review <br />September 21, 2005 <br />Page 10 <br /> <br />Right of Way <br /> <br />No internal road system will be needed with this development. There is however excess right <br />of way shown on the preliminary plat that is proposed for vacation: Ardan Avenue, Edgewood <br />Drive and Jackson Drive. These rights of way were originally platted with the Laport Meadows <br />subdivision from the 1940s yet were never improved. According to the City Charter, excess <br />right of way (as well as any excess easement) is vacated by ordinance. <br /> <br />Park Dedication Fees <br /> <br />Consistent with Chapter 1202, a park dedication fee would be applicable with this subdivision <br />of land. Normally the City will assess a fee of either five or ten percent of the land value less <br />improvements, as determined by Ramsey County. The 2006 County assessed valuation of <br />the land being subdivided is $7,500,000. Assuming a ten percent dedication, the City would <br />expect to receive $750,000. In this case, the amount of the dedication--$865,000--was <br />agreed upon during the contract negotiations based on the purchase price of the land. The <br />dedication fee will be paid at the time of building permit application. <br /> <br />Comprehensive Plan Consistency <br /> <br />The division of land as proposed by the preliminary plat would be consistent with the <br />Comprehensive Plan, as amended by the City Council and approved by the Metropolitan <br />Council. The Future Land use Map designates this land as “Office” which is the use planned <br />with this subdivision. <br /> <br /> <br />Rezoning <br /> <br />With the general concept plans for the Medtronic Planned Unit Development approved, the <br />City must consider a rezoning of the project area from the existing Light Industrial (I-1) <br />designation to Planned Unit Development (PUD). Typically this is done at the development <br />stage of the PUD process consistent with the final Council approval of the site plans. The City <br />Code requires that the Planning Commission examine potential adverse effects associated <br />with a proposed rezoning by addressing five questions. The questions, along with responses, <br />are as follows: <br /> <br /> (1) Relationship to Municipal Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />The rezoning to PUD would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in that the <br />City Council recently authorized an amendment to the future land use map from <br />Outdoor Sport Recreation and Passive Open Space to Office. While the current Light <br />Industrial zoning of the site is consistent with the Office designation, the PUD zoning <br />would provide greater flexibility, clustering of buildings, open space preservation and <br />staging of the development along with the added protection of a very specific set of <br />land-use requirements articulated in the PUD document. <br />