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Rewrite, by Richard Oman, 5-23-93 <br /> CHAPTER 4 <br /> NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS <br /> Sec. 4.01 . Ttil . egular.Municipal, election, Pr The regular <br /> municipal election sitrrll- Will be held on the first Tuesday after <br /> the first Monday in November of each even numbered year <br /> at such places as the city council shall w1.11 <br /> designate . At least n thirty days prior notice shall must <br /> be given by the clerk-administrator by posting a notice `r <br /> in at least one public place in each election precinct, and by <br /> publishing a noticeT-„roof at least once in the official <br /> newspaper er the—cite stating the time and places of holding such <br /> the election and of the officers to be elected. Failure to give <br /> such the notice .hall 414es not invalidate such the election. <br /> Elected and qualified officers provided for by this charter shall <br /> Will assume the duties of office to which they were elected on <br /> the first business day in January following scrclr the election. <br /> Sec. 4.02 . '1.110g. f9r.Office ; <br /> ordinance, have his/her ndue placed on the municipal election <br /> ballot. <br /> W111'741 of the city,may file for election, in, the ,manner <br /> prescribed by law. <br /> Sec. 4.03. Pr9ceaure . at.�r1.ecti91 : Cons-is <br /> provisions of this charter and applicable state laws, The council <br /> may by ordinance further regulate the conduct of municipal <br /> elections; . - - - _ - <br /> apply to municipal elections. c90sistent,w1.0, the,14'9yi41.90.s, 4f <br /> this, charter. ana. M'14.901e. state . 101'7s: <br /> Sec. 4.04. Spe91.allecti4ns er <br /> Elected Office. The council shall may by resolution order a <br /> special election and provide a-i+ the means for <br /> holding it- 0e. e1e9t .9n; At least `f en thirty days prior <br /> notice shall must be given by the clerk-administrator by posting <br /> a notice thereof in at least one public place in each election <br /> precinct, and by publishing a notice thdreof in at least once in <br /> the official newspaperstating the time and the <br /> places of holding such telection. Failure to give strclr the. e <br /> notice shall Sl9es not invalidate strcir trig election. <br />